DMA and Sixth Sense Training Increase Scotland Apprenticeships | DMA

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DMA and Sixth Sense Training Increase Scotland Apprenticeships


DMA has partnered with Sixth Sense Training to increase digital marketing apprenticeships in Scotland.

A key objective for DMA Talent has been to create a strong pipeline of aspiring marketers for DMA Members, as well as the wider data and marketing industry. One of the ways we’ve pushed this initiative forward is through DMA Scotland’s whitepaper, Democratising Scotland’s Data Talent. The report, published in November 2020, sought solutions to tackle Scotland’s (and the UK’s) increasing challenge of attracting new and diverse talent through various entry points.

From this, we learned that our industry depends on a very small talent pool with little diversity. As a result, it’s now more important than ever that we hire and train young people to fill the rising number of job vacancies.

DMA Scotland’s #DemocratiseDataPledge went further and suggested seven key objectives to attract industry talent ahead of the Scottish Parliamentary elections in April 2021. Objectives included:

  • Tackle the reversing of diversity
  • Increase employment in key talent pools
  • Grow neurodiversity in the workforce
  • Identify and plug skills gaps
  • Demystify data
  • Improve data literacy
  • Boost international data trade

The Hidden Potential of Apprenticeships

DMA Talent sought feedback from our Members on apprenticeships and how the industry used them. However, the findings weren’t great. Despite access to marketing and data apprenticeships, our industry wasn’t adopting this talent stream as a way to attract new and diverse marketers. You can find the research, here.

If you’re interested in taking on an apprentice, there is a wide range of support available, including:

Our Partnership with Six Sense Training

We’re delighted to partner with Sixth Sense Training, who offer Digital Marketing apprenticeship training in Scotland.

As part of this, all digital marketing apprentices from Sixth Sense will receive a DMA Student Membership. This includes access to the IDM Award in GDPR and IDM Award in Marketing to support their learning, whether they’re referred by a DMA Member or non-member organisation.

Jamie McBean, Director at Sixth Sense Training, told us:

“I am delighted to work with a trade association that holds the skills and future employment of young people and attracting them to the industry in such high regard. This partnership will help our Digital Marketing apprentices gain extra industry recognised training in addition to what they’re learning through their apprenticeships.

By partnering with a strong association such as the DMA, Sixth Sense can find jobs for young marketing candidates, present apprenticeship opportunities and funding for current marketers looking to take that next step in their careers, and teach both how to be responsible marketers.

We will engage with DMA Members to explore how apprenticeships may help meet their organisational training objectives.”

Lisa McLauchlan, DMA Regional Talent Manager in Scotland, interviewed Jamie McBean, Director at Sixth Sense Training. Watch the interview, here, and gain a better understanding of how to use apprentices in Scotland.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Sixth Sense, please contact Lisa McLauchlan at

What Type of Marketer Are You?

The demand for organisations to ramp up digitalisation to survive the pandemic meant many brands focused on recruiting experienced professionals. As a result, a lot of entry-level vacancies have been lost, with some organisations believing it detrimental to train a young person while the nation (and world) works from home.

The industry needs to address this massively negative impact on young people trying to access entry-level jobs.

As seasoned marketers, we know there are many of these in our industry. However, for young people looking to break into the industry, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

Therefore, we’ve created a fun quiz to help match entry-level jobs with the following personality types:

  • Communicator
  • Thinker
  • Creative
  • Persuader
  • Organiser
  • Explorer

Aspiring marketers can take the test, here, where they’ll also discover their potential first job alongside interviews from people already doing the role.

Find Your Dream Job; Find Your Next Marketing Superstar

Earlier this year, we launched our DMA Student Membership, which provides young talent with fantastic resources to help them get job ready for the world of work. These include learning to further support their studies, career advice, and networking opportunities.

We also recently opened our new jobs board for DMA Corporate Members to post entry-level positions and placements, which our Student Members can apply for. DMA Marketing Jobs matches our Members with aspiring marketers, helping them bolster their teams.

And Members, please remember to post your entry-level jobs, so you can find your next marketing superstar. If you’re unsure of how to use our jobs board or just want to find out more, sign up to our webinar: Diversifying Your Workforce Through Young Talent on Tuesday 8 February.

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