What Type of Marketer are You?
01 Jan 2024

There are so many different roles in the marketing industry, chances are the perfect job is waiting for you, and you didn't even know it existed!
A career in marketing is open to anyone, no matter your educational background.
Complete our short quiz to discover what your personality type is, which will help you understand where your strengths lie, and the roles you’re made to thrive in.
You’ll answer a series of questions about different situations, from how you spend your Saturday nights to how you plan a trip with friends.
Based on your responses, we’ll direct you to your leading personality trait, explaining where your strengths lie and the marketing skills that are reflective of this. From there, you'll be able to explore the job roles we think will be perfectly suited to you.
To shine a light on what day-to-day life is like in each role, we’ve recorded a video interview with someone currently doing it. You'll get to know what the position typically entails, its key responsibilities, and what you need to be successful.
What are you waiting for? Take the quiz now, learn about your personality, and explore the marketing roles that are built for you.
Taken the quiz already?
Revisit your personality page by clicking on your personality trait below, or explore the other five to discover the job roles that are best suited to each:
I'm a Communicator, I'm a Creative, I’m an Explorer, I'm an Organiser, I'm a Persuader, I'm a Thinker
Share your results
Don’t forget to share your quiz results across your social channels using #MarketerCareerQuiz to help your connections discover the marketing roles that suit their personalities.
Share your results with your own words, or copy and paste the below, dropping in your personality type:
I’m a {insert your personality type}! What are you?
Complete DMA Talent’s #MarketerCareerQuiz to discover what your personality type is, and the marketing roles that best match it here: https://bit.ly/3lBXHmq
Click on the links below to download the image to include in your post:
I'm a Comumunicator --------------------------------------------------------- I'm a Creative
Image for LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook ----------------------------------- Image for LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook
Image for Instagram ------------------------------------------------------------ Image for Instagram
I'm an Explorer ----------------------------------------------------------------- I'm an Organiser
Image for Instagram ----------------------------------------------------------- Image for Instagram
I'm a Thinker ------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a Persuader
Image for LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook --------------------------------- Image for LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook
Image for Instagram ---------------------------------------------------------- Image for Instagram
Follow our socials:
Instagram: dma_talent
LinkedIn: DMA Talent
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