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DMA insight: The impact of GDPR on email marketing

No pain, no gain. Despite the challenges that GDPR may have brought to marketers, it’s clear that the new regulations have made an impression on consumers. Keep reading to find out more.

Customer Engagement - research round-up

Dive into our reports and take a look at customer engagement strategies from the viewpoint of customers and marketers

DMA insight: Data privacy - Marketing's GDPR journey

The opportunities and challenges. The improvements and concerns. Read on for a visualisation of what marketers told us about life after GDPR.
Member Content

Marketers' view

In partnership with Foresight Factory and sponsored by Pure 360, the first comparison between what brands deem successful and what consumers say engages them.
Member Content

Evolving the customer journey: Digitisation, omni-channel and technology trends

Businesses can benefit from digital innovation, but delivering an evolving customer journey is paramount. Delve into the latest report about digitised customer journeys from the DMA in association with Williams Lea Tag (WLT).

UK advertising sector underpins 2018's adspend estimate

The latest Advertising Association/WARC Expenditure Report data reveals the UK adspend reached £5.6bn in the third quarter of 2018, hitting the 21st consecutive quarter of market growth.