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DMA insight: hitting your email goals

We learned things are going pretty well with your email campaigns, but are you looking for a few more pointers? Get top tips from our latest bite-size infographic.

Automation and intelligent marketing is transforming how we engage customers

New research from IBM and National Retail Federation discusses the implications and challenges of a more automated and intelligent marketing future for brands, with skills being the key to making these aspirations a reality.

DMA Insights: Marketer's view on channel and trust

Marketers and customers like chalk and cheese when it comes to communication channels – what they use, prefer and trust

Winning trust and loyalty will be key to solving marketers' digital dilemma

Mintel’s thoughts on the key trends from Adobe Summit 2019 point to the dilemma that marketers are facing: it’s easier to reach customers but harder to get them to care. We dive deeper into how to gain their trust and their loyalty.

Frictionless flexibility key to engaging customers in a fragmented digital media world

In an increasingly fragmented digital media landscape, Deloitte releases its latest findings into how American consumers are 'piecing together' a world that fits their needs. But what are the implications of this approach and will the costs eventually outweigh the benefits?

Overwhelmed with too many tools?

New research from Vanson Bourne identifies too many data tools and systems as a key challenge to the industry. Learning and development are the only way for professionals to continue to evolve and keep pace.
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