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ICO kicks off GDPR implementation work (January 2016)

EU DPR agreed (December 2015)

DPR agreement by Christmas still possible (December 2015

Data Protection Regulation delayed again (September 2015)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel discusses the vital role of data in the European economy (September 2015)

Preparing for the DPR (September 2015)

Politicians willing to compromise on data protection regulation (July 2015)

DMA Data Protection Regulation lobbying trip (June 2015)

EU Data Protection Regulation Latest News (May 2015)

Chris Combemale: Trust in data is the key brand differentiator (February 2015)

European Parliament will be flexible on Data Protection, says civil liberties chair (February 2015)

EU Data Protection Regulation latest (February 2015)

EU Commission Data Protection Regulation update following Italian Presidency (December 2014)

EU Data Protection Regulation: 2015 the year of reckoning? (November 2014)

EU commissioners with responsibility for the digital single market given the green light (October 2014)

The DMA in Brussels: EU data protection update (October 2014)

EU privacy laws will apply to non-European businesses (June 2014)

DMA predicts European election results will delay EU Data Protection Regulation until 2017(May 2014)

MEPs vote for a less business-friendly version of the Data Protection Regulation (March 2014)

Further delay to EU Data Protection Regulation (December 2013)

Draft EU Data Protection Regulation: end of 2013 into 2014 (November 2013)

EU data protection reform could be delayed until 2015 (Oct 2013)

Spying scandal, delays and disagreements hinder progress of data protection reform (July 2013)

Data protection reform takes a business-friendly turn (June 2013)

Key vote on draft Data Protection Regulation delayed (May 2013)

EU data protection reform: business interests gain ground over marketing consent (April 2013)

EU edges towards risk-based data protection (March 2013)

Data protection 2013: a crucial point for marketers (February 2013)

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