Meaningful Marketing Measurement: Email Focus | DMA

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Meaningful Marketing Measurement: Email Focus


In a world where consumer attention is being spread ever more thinly across multiple platforms, it is more important than ever to acknowledge the full effects of email.

Our first Meaningful Marketing Measurement: Email Focus report, in partnership with Campaigner, highlights key email campaign effectiveness learnings from the DMA’s Intelligent Marketing Databank.

Drawing on data from over 300 email campaigns across 1,050 entries to the DMA Awards (dating back to 2017), the Databank provides insight into the effectiveness of email, as well as how marketers are measuring email effectiveness.

A key finding from this year’s report is that marketing campaigns that include email are more effective than the average campaign, generating 2.8 effects per campaign overall (compared to 2.7 effects without).

Another key observation highlighted by the report is that email is more effective when part of a multi-channel campaign than when used in isolation. A 29% uplift in the total number of effects is recorded for multi-channel vs solus email campaigns.

Delve into this analysis of the Intelligent Marketing Databank to learn more about:

  • The industry’s current measurement challenges
  • What marketers can do to overcome them
  • What the DMA is doing to help

To download and view Meaningful Marketing Measurement: Email Focus, head here.

Read Meaningful Marketing Measurement 2022, here.

Explore the Marketing Measurement Framework 101, which provides best-practice guidance on how to measure business outcomes.

Read the Marketing Measurement Glossary, put together by the DMA Media Council.

Ready to harness the power of email marketing? Check out our range of courses here.

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