Creative Effectiveness in Door Drops: November 2023
23 Nov 2023

Written by Nick Brown, Sales Director at Newsquest, member of the Door Drop Hub of the Print Council.
Creative Effectiveness in Doordrops: Keeping it simple!
As a practitioner I often advise to clients, when discussing creative, keep it on brand, keep it bright and keep it bold. All of which is aimed at helping make the door drop really STAND OUT and to deliver response.
So, you’ll be surprised (maybe as much as me) to find this piece, reviewing an A5 single sheet doordrop, which was black and white and printed on lower stock paper.
However, this is exactly what I’m doing. I found this item, a local supplier of wood for your fire, really caught my attention and wanted to find out more.
The first thing that caught my attention was that it was black and white. It stood out because it didn’t stand out, if that makes sense! The simplicity of it was intriguing. A clear headline and a clear call to action made this a really easy to use piece.
The item also identified an immediate need. Just as we enter autumn, those of us with open fires or wood burners start to consider their use. This supplier offers wood that’s ready to go, at competitive prices and will even deliver it for free in the local area. That was another factor I liked, the local and friendly approach. ‘Call Rowan’ with the emphasis on local.
The other thing this item does really well is to highlight a really important consideration, sustainability. Identifying that the logs are ‘locally and sustainably’ sourced and that two trees will be planted for each one that is felled, really supports the growing importance of sustainability for us all.
And not to miss an opportunity, the back of the leaflet lists all the other services that this supplier can provide.
All in all, a really simple but effective piece from a local client, that delivers real impact.
So, I’m off to eat humble pie, to reflect on my big and bold approach and to consider if this is always the most effective way to stand out.
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Take a look at other Creative Effectiveness in Door Drops articles here.
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