4 Tips to Achieve Maximum ROI from Direct Mail
21 May 2015

Do you struggle to find the time to follow up direct mail?
Sending out direct mail via post or email is a task which normally requires a large amount of attention in the run up to its release.
However, from speaking to clients and rather ashamedly from our own experiences, the hardest, most time- consuming part is following up on the direct mail to ensure it a) reached the relevant person or department b) was actually read and understood.
At Prospect Research, we will follow up your direct mail lists to ensure that these two factors have been met. If they have not been met, we can arrange to re-send mail whilst also updating your data with up-to-date, relevant information.
We have found that by offering this service, organisations gain more business from prospects who may have at first overlooked their direct mail but when contacted via telephone, discover the relevance of the call.
So, in conclusion, what’s the point in throwing money, time and effort into a campaign if you don’t have the money, time and effort to follow up the direct mail? Here’s some tips for you to tackle follow ups head on!
4 Tips on following up direct mail
1) Be prepared – A lot of the time prospects will overlook direct mail due to the large presence of it on their desk, in their inbox etc. A way to prevent this is to… be unique!
2) Be unique – If using hard copy direct mail, throw in a pack of sweets, a mini dart board, anything! It will make the mail more recognisable and a talking point when following up with a call. When creating e-shots, make sure the headline is relevant, catchy and short.
3) Be realistic – You can’t expect for 100% of your direct mail to reach the intended user. To conquer this, double check your data, and when following up with a call, try to find the right data and input it into your CRM ready for the next wave of direct mail.
4) Be strategic – Ensure you keep track of who you have contacted, who needs more information and who you have re-sent information too. You don’t want to miss an opportunity, and it will also help you be more effective for your next campaign!
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