DMA Insight: GDPR Calls for Training | DMA

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DMA Insight: GDPR Calls for Training


The latest data in Data Privacy: An Industry Perspective 2019 shows that most businesses have taken the steps required to become compliant with the new laws. However, marketers seem less confident about their knowledge of data protection regulations compared to a year ago.

Taking fresh talent on board with knowledge on the topic can be a great advantage, but there is almost total unanimity among our respondents on how this is becoming a must-have for future marketers.

Marketers seem to understand the importance of ongoing training, but not all businesses appear willing to invest. There is also a number of actions that organisations can take to improve their training quality.

Sooner rather than later

In marketers’ opinion, education on data protection laws should start early for future marketers. 94% believe a more focused education on data regulations, and how to apply them would be beneficial for future marketing experts.

A more focused education would improve industry image (57%) and marketing programmes’ performance (49%).

Moreover, marketers believe that having this kind of knowledge would give new-entrants great advantage in their career (75%).

Knowledge went down

Compared to a year ago, marketers appear less confident about GDPR.

For example, 73% of people with a good level of understanding of the law changes, and were confident marketers last year, has dropped to 38%.

Also, compared to August 2018, the percentage of those declaring basic knowledge (11%), and no knowledge at all (3%), has increased.

For those who feel underprepared, just over a quarter (26%) say adequate training is not available – and 15% say ongoing training is not in place.


Most marketers (65%) say they have received enough training to comply with the GDPR, but one in five (21%) feel this isn’t the case, and a further 14% aren’t sure.

Indeed, a quarter of marketers (25%) are asking for more training opportunities as well as clearer and more practical information (12%).Furthermore, respondents highlighted that the GDPR experts they were trained by, didn’t have a comprehensive experience in marketing (18%) and, in general, courses should be more practical (15%), providing more use of case studies (12%).

Are you looking for training courses, or qualifications, to be able to provide you and your business with the right level of knowledge and confidence on GDPR, data protection, privacy, and responsible marketing?

If so, take a look at our latest courses, from full day face-to-face to short online introductions.

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