Meet the DMA Awards category chairs: Mark Runacus, Best loyalty or CRM programme | DMA

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Meet the DMA Awards category chairs: Mark Runacus, Best loyalty or CRM programme


There are 33 DMA Awards categories and each one is presided over by a category chair. Learn who they are, what they want from the work you enter in their category - and get a taste for their predictions for the DMAs 2017.

Category: Best loyalty or CRM programme

Category chair: Mark Runacus, chief strategy officer, Karmarama

Tell us who you are, what you do and who you do it for

I'm chief strategy officer at Karmarama and non-exec director and chair of the DMA (UK) Group board.

I'm also President of PrideAM, advertising and marketing’s LGBT+ network.

What will you be looking for from the work in your category?

I’ll be looking for work that truly embodies a progressive approach to data-driven customer engagement.

I want to see how brands have been able to create superior customer content and experiences across channels to reward their customers.

Think, smart tech, data-driven and beautiful brand-true creativity, happy and profitable customers.

What are your predictions for the 2017 DMA Awards?

I look forward to seeing how brands are preparing for GDPR with communication strategies that incorporate consent by design.

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