Baby Mailing Preference Service | DMA

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Baby Mailing Preference Service

Baby MPS Background

The Baby MPS enables parents who have suffered a miscarriage or bereavement of a baby in the first weeks of life to register their wish not to receive baby related mailings.

The Baby MPS is a non-profit service managed by the Governance Division of the Data & Marketing Association. Its use is a condition of the Data & Marketing Association's Code of Practice and the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion administered by the Advertising Standards Authority.

How do I become a subscriber?

Complete the application form online or complete the application form in our subscriber pack.

How do I receive the data?

The only option of data receipt is via the web. On receipt of the completed application form, the signed licence and the subscription, you will be provided with a password which enables you to download the data whenever you need to.

How much does it cost?

Unlimited access for one year costs £300 + VAT.

How often is the file updated?

The file is updated Monday to Friday. Registrations are put on the file the day they are received.

How long do records remain on the file?

Records will remain on the file indefinitely unless cancelled by the subscriber.

How long will the file take to download?

Using standard equipment the file should take about one minute to download.

Can I register names on the file on behalf of consumers who have contacted me?

Yes, if you are contacted directly by a consumer and asked to remove their name from your mailing list, you may wish to offer to register the details on Baby MPS as a value added service.

If you want to provide us with a file please email us the data in an Excel format file with different fields for each of the required data elements.

Is use of the Baby MPS a legal requirement?

No, but it is recommended as best practice.

Where can I find out more?
Baby Mailing Preference Service
DMA House, 70 Margaret Street
London, W1W 8SS
Tel: 020 7291 3327

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