The Power of Personalisation | DMA

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The Power of Personalisation


Did you know that 94% of companies agree that personalisation ‘is critical to current and future success?’ Market Data 2015


Two very simple quotes define personalisation. “An experience for the user, dictated by the user” and“Knowing who a person is and what they want from you”

Today's marketers are focused on developing meaningful 1:1 conversations & relationships with existing customers and prospects. By personalising their marketing message they stand out from their competitors, building a deeper relationship and help driving better results for their businesses.

More and more businesses are realising that getting true personalisation right is about understanding their customers and being able to give them what they want before they even know they want it. By engaging and interacting with our customers, asking them questions and listening to their feedback we are learning more about them and forming closer relationships.

Businesses are becoming more digitally savvy and their marketers are conscious that they need to deliver experiences that are more personalised. Consumers are now able to influence how and what they buy across every industry and nearly every part of the globe. The persuasiveness of personalisation has transformed it from a trend into a firm expectation.


Personalisation is one of the biggest trends in marketing at the moment and products appeal to consumers more when they are personalised to suit them.

Key personalisation formats can be found within print & packaging, video, websites and targeted email campaigns. These formats can be delivered physically (direct mail) or digitally (online).

To achieve and maintain customer loyalty it is essential to focus on long-term relationships and engage customers in new and innovative ways that add value to their customer experience.


The advantages of using personalisation in your marketing campaigns are vast. You can build brand awareness, increase sales, enhance your reputation and draw upon positive customer experiences to help create ‘brand ambassadors’ for your business. They are likely to return themselves and will also speak highly of your offers and influence the opinions of their friends and family. This feature has become significantly important through the development of social media platforms.

To form part of your marketing campaign, you should think about what does the future of personalisation look like in your marketing campaigns?


Before you plan to personalise your marketing message you should begin with understanding how your customers want to engage with their target audience. Remember the key topersonalisation is to give your consumers something that will make you stand out from your competitors and leave your customers with a positive and memorable experience.

Brands and consumers will always focus on their first interaction and the theory ‘first impressions count'. Getting it right first time can determine whether the relationship will be meaningful and develop further.

Our customers are increasingly looking at their relationships with businesses as much as they do when evaluating a personal relationship; they want respect, trust, honesty, transparency and added value when it comes to receiving a truly personal experience.

For our clients, the power of personalisation increases the average order value and repeat purchases from loyal customers. What can it do for you?

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