My Dog Ate My Email: A Podcast Series all about...Email | DMA

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Crowded inboxes present a challenge, but they also hold untapped potential for charities to foster meaningful connections. At the launch of the DMA's Email Benchmarking Report 2024 we were asked, "What advice would the panel give to charities looking to retain audience engagement and encourage second actions?" In this article written exclusively for the Research Hub of the Email Council Nick Crawford explores innovative approaches.

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The UK is finalising new legislation to update DPA 2018, UK GDPR and PECR. The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (DPDI) aims to create a new data regime for UK businesses and consumers but is still subject to change and best practice guidance will take time to be established. With the law and guidance changing, how do you ensure your marketing programme stays compliant?


This is the third in a series of articles by the DMA Email Council answering questions about B2B email marketing. This article explores how you can edit misspelled email addresses responsibly.

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This is the second in a series of articles by the DMA Email Council answering questions about B2B email marketing. This article explains how you can maintain a healthy B2B contact list for effective email marketing.

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