Introducing Customer Engagement | DMA

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Introducing Customer Engagement


The DMA has launched a major new campaign to explore what makes excellent customer engagement, and will include major events, groundbreaking research and more

Data never sleeps, and neither does the focus on the customer.

The DMA launches our Customer Engagement work to explore and push forward customer engagement for the modern marketer, and make this work relevant both now and in the future as technology is changing and developing.

Customer Engagement is not just a data game - it combines data with creativity and technology to reach the customer.

We know that using great insights to develop a brilliant strategy, combined with superbly executed creative and targeting engages customers.

Creativity, data and technology are all key factor but we want to know more about how the interplay between these factors works.

We will:

  • Understand what great experience means, from the consumer's perspective
  • Define great customer engagement and what factors influence it
  • Illustrate the power of combining data, technology and creativity
  • Disseminate findings of combining data, technology and creativity on business success

This project aims to disentangle and shed some light on this area, for the benefit of marketers everywhere, and ultimately the customer.

To start we have completed a preliminary study to speak to ordinary people to explore the language they use, so when we speak to them again we do so with conviction that they understand what we are saying - we'll use the same language as them.

We also have a major event taking place on 14 June where we will launch the second part of the research, conducted by the Future Foundation, and you will hear from first class speakers who live and breathe customer engagement.

For tickets to the Customer Engagement event, which will be held at the British Museum on 14 June, click here.

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