Incorporating Emotional Intelligence into Design | DMA

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Incorporating Emotional Intelligence into Design


Mapping is fascinating. Describing things accurately, projecting outcomes correctly, understanding perspectives and driving the right path of navigation without overloading technical and creative teams with too much information. It’s remarkable.

Thanks to Google and Apple, when we want to go from point A to B, we choose a route in real time. We can avoid traffic or report incidents (using Waze),and our choices and actions influence other drivers in our area. Nothing’s linear or static.

Just twenty years ago, you needed a paper map, a route and you hoped for reliable signage. You had pay close attention to not miss exits or get lost due to construction detours. You made it to your destination, but you probably missed hidden, local gems that a paper map would have no way of knowing about or indicating to you. A paper map could also never know your unique preferences.

Today, we want to point to a destination and let context do the driving. As digital and offline touch-points increase, consumers want frictionless experiences that merge the physical and digital. Understanding the customer journey is increasingly critical.

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