How to Embrace Micro-Upskilling and Grow Your Career in 2023 | DMA

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How to Embrace Micro-Upskilling and Grow Your Career in 2023


In the new year, it's important to remember that the key to professional growth is to focus on self-improvement.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, set your own benchmarks for success and strive to be the best version of yourself.

If you're ready to make 2023 a year of personal and professional growth, try following these three steps:

Step 1: Define Your Measure of Success

Before you can start working towards your goals, take some time to define what success looks like to you.

Think about what you want to achieve, whether that's a job promotion, salary increase, or recognition from your manager.

It's also helpful to assess whether your goals are realistic and achievable, given your current resources and circumstances.

One way to improve and reach your goals is to identify areas where you could benefit from micro-upskilling.

This involves spending as little as one hour per week developing specific skills or knowledge.

Step 2: Fill in Your Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Take control of your career trajectory, by completing our personal development plan template.

This structured framework will help you:

  • Work out what you want to achieve and how to achieve it
  • Align your learning needs with your business and marketing goals
  • Demonstrate your readiness for a promotion or pay rise

When filling out the PDP it’s important to be process-driven and specific about what you want to achieve.

Allocate a specific amount of time each week or day to focus on your goals, but also be realistic about what you can achieve.  

For busy professionals, we recommend setting aside one hour per week for training and development, which can be split into 10 minutes per day.

Over the course of the year, this adds up to 52 hours – the equivalent of flying around the world or climbing and descending Ben Nevis six times.

Just think how much you can learn and grow in the next twelve months.

Step 3: Track Your Progression

As you work towards your goals, it's important to track your progress so you can see how far you've come. This way, you’ll also be able to quickly and easily identify any areas that need further attention.

Use your PDP to regularly check in on your performance and consider having a monthly meeting with your manager to discuss how you can implement what you’ve learned.

Your DMA Membership Hub allows you to view the modules and qualifications you've completed. This is a great way to see your progress over time and stay motivated.

Make 2023 a Year of Growth

Embracing micro-upskilling and using resources such as the PDP and DMA Membership Hub will help you boost your skills and knowledge.

Don't let other people's measures of success hold you back – compete with yourself, reach your goals, and become the best version of yourself.

DMA Membership will provide your business with fantastic benefits, including advocacy, legal and compliance support, best practice guidance, research, insight and events.

Plus, with access to an online learning platform containing a range of qualification and bitesize learning modules, you’ll gain a cost-effective and simple way to keep your team upskilled.

Find out how DMA Membership will help your business thrive here.

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