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How Digital Print is changing Direct Mail


The Xerox Trivor – Interview with David Leitch – Digital Print Manager

Direct Mail has evolved and with First Move recently installing the new Xerox Trivor, A world’s first, we are now at the forefront of digital printing technology.

We interview our very own Digital Print Manager, David Leitch for his insights into the Xerox Trivor printer and how printing technology is changing the face of Direct Mail in today’s digitally focused world.

1. Why should companies take notice of the Xerox Trivor, how does it improve upon the current world of Direct Mail? Speed and Cost. The Trivor is a new era in terms of printing, inkjet has primarily been used for lower quality projects and to reduce costs. Whilst this is important, the addition of quality and the ability to make each sheet of paper totally individual, dramatically increases the options open to users.

2. What impact does the Trivor have on personalisation? The Trivor opens up new avenues of variable data and imagery in one file for customers, enabling you to target specific interests that their customers have expressed an interest in. In the Trivor arena personalisation is not just a name and address but potentially completely individual items of mail. Images and text driven through data analysis of the understanding of your customers buying habits, their likes and dislikes, their location, their proximity to the nearest supplier. In short improved relevancy to the reader of what is of interest to them – every page is unique!

3. EFI RIP what’s that and what’s the benefit to customers? The EFI RIP is where all of the data is collected and processed ready for the Trivor to print. The need to process thousands of pixels (drops) of ink per second requires huge computing power. The rip installed at First Move is the largest ever created by EFI (Xerox’s computing partner) and was shipped from San Francisco direct to High Wycombe. The RIP is the 1st of its kind in the world, its power enables clients to produce multiple image and multi placement of personalisation campaigns specific to each person. The benefit of this power is that it processes the information faster than anything previous.

4. How can companies save money when using the Xerox Trivor? Being a single process for print and variable data/images, longer run campaigns are printed in one run, rather than previously, where you would ‘litho’ print and then personalise.

5. How fast can a customer get something mailed using the Trivor and how much faster than the current world is that? As previously mentioned, we have taken a two stage printing exercise and changed it to a one stage. But let’s not be fooled, there are machines out there that can do low volume jobs quickly, what Trivor changes is quality and quantity. Trivor produces 270,000 A4 letters printed in colour both sides in an 8 hour shift.

6. Why should companies interested in Direct Mail speak to First Move? Now, with 2 world 1st installs of the Xerox Trivor and the EFI rip PLUS our understanding of marketing as demonstrated in our book Direct Mail 101 (this details the process required to deliver predictable profitable mail campaigns) our ability to assist our clients deliver improved results is unique. Our achievements in this area have been recently recognised by Xerox and we are proud to have been asked to become part of their worldwide ‘Premier Partners’ programme.

To find out more about the new Xerox Trivor Printer and to establish how Digital Direct Mail can transform your business please contact First Move today on 01494 539300 or fill in our online contact form.

Click here to watch our video to see how the Xerox Trivor performs.

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