Creatives most prominent marketing personality type with Persuaders the rarest
21 Jan 2022

Back in September 2021, the Data & Marketing Association’s (DMA) Talent division launched the ‘What Type of Marketer are You?’ quiz, to emphasise what types of careers the creative, data and marketing industries can offer. With over 2,300 quiz completions, the DMA found that Creatives are the most common personality type among both students (27%) and current industry professionals (29%).
The DMA’s analysis also found that Persuaders are the rarest personality type across students (7%) and industry professionals (3%). However, there was a notable difference between them (4%), with students more likely to identify this way. This could mean there is a growing talent pool for sales, public relations and account management talent in the near future.
In addition, there is a large increase in the percentage of Thinkers among the student demographic (+6%).
“The next generation of marketers looks to have a similar balance of personality traits when compared with current industry professionals, however, there are some notable differences too. There appear to be more Persuaders and Thinkers among students, determined to challenge the status quo, which could be beneficial to organisations seeking talent with a fresh perspective,” said Tim Bond, Director of Insight, DMA. “Each marketing personality type offers unique characteristics which can help organisations to ensure they are continuously evolving. So, it is pivotal that organisations have the right tools and processes in place to attract students from a diverse pool of talent.”
The data and marketing industry’s wide range of careers and job types are not well known to many students across the UK. To raise awareness, the DMA created this interactive quiz, using a series of scenario and personality-based questioning, to help emerging talent better understand what role and career path might be right for their qualities. The quiz was developed in partnership with the DMA’s B2B Council, using the Leadfamly marketing gamification platform.
"Talent has increasingly become of one of our industry’s most pressing concerns since the pandemic began. We need young people, with a range of personality traits, skills and experiences, within our businesses for a number of reasons. They are essential for helping organisations to stay relevant to customers, bringing fresh insights and a unique perspective on how to attract a younger demographic," said Kate Burnett, General Manager of DMA Talent.
Anyone who is considering what career choice is right for them can complete the quiz by clicking here.
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