Business Skills Census 2019 | DMA

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Business Skills Census 2019


Last year the Professional Skills Census 2018 looked into what marketers do day-to-day and what they think they need to progress in their career.

Next we were curious to look at the other side of the coin and find out what businesses need to be successful and how will this evolve.

The DMA’s Institute of Data & Marketing (IDM) is excited to share its Business Skills Census 2019, which delves into the skills businesses desire, their relevance to the organisation success and the training opportunities.

We took a total of 33 skills and grouped them into five categories – Content & Creative, Data, Channels, Management and Strategy.

An increasing number of marketers (95%) believe that ‘Analysing customer data/insight’ will be important to future business success as well as ‘Producing content or creative work’ cited by 94% of the respondents.

In terms of training, we found that 70% of organisations provided learning opportunities and marketers added they would love to tap into continuous learning programmes, mainly to improve their personal knowledge (95%), to stay up to date (85%) and to boost their professional image (49%).

Training is essential not just to breed success for business and the individual, but also as a means to attract and retain the best talent. As our data shows, respondents expect professional development as part of their role - but don’t always get it, or even know if the organisation they work for offers such a benefit” said Andy Dorling, General Manager at the DMA’s Institute of Data & Marketing.

Download the full report and learn more about our industry skillset and what the future steps are to empower organisations and individuals.

Business Skills Census 2019

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