Black Friday - the Multi Channel Retailer Perspective | DMA

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Black Friday - the Multi Channel Retailer Perspective


Well, the Black Friday bun-fight is once again upon us at the end of this week, and the differing predictions around retailer boom versus doom are in full swing.

For multi-channel retailers, there are many issues they need to wrestle with. Should they try to fight the Black Friday tide or will it mean missing out on the new seasonal peak? How should they gear up from an online and in-store perspective? Do increased sales but not necessarily increased profits bring a real business benefit? Is this an opportunity to reach a new audience and build market share?

We took the opportunity to ask several of our Abacus Alliance members for their thoughts on Black Friday. In particular, how they were changing their approach to accommodate Black Friday; whether it impacts their offline planning or if it’s more an online phenomenon; and if it is changing the traditional Christmas buying behaviours of their customers.

The interviewees came from furniture, high end women’s fashion, games and puzzles and organic clothing. While there were differences of opinions, all did agree they are having to be involved in some way.

Hear what the multi-channel retailers had to say.

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