A Winner's Perspective: Q&A with Last Year's DMA Gold Email Winner | A Winner's Perspective: Q&A with Last Year's DMA Gold Email Winner | DMA

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A Winner's Perspective: Q&A with Last Year's DMA Gold Email Winner


The Email Council's Awards Hub presents this exclusive article to provide you with an insider’s view on why you should enter the Email Category of the DMA Awards. Learn what makes an entry award-winning, the benefits of participating, and the value of winning.

We spoke with Rob Pellow, Executive Technical Director at Armadillo and a member of the Email Council’s Awards Hub. Rob was part of the team that won Gold in the Email category last year for their campaign, McNuggets® – Heroes of Shared Occasions.

We asked Rob seven key questions about the entry process and what winning has meant for Armadillo.

1. Why did you decide to enter the DMA Awards?

The DMA Awards are an essential part of validating our value proposition in a highly public way. We've had the privilege of judging multiple categories over the years and serving on various DMA committees, so we’ve seen first-hand the rigour and focus that goes into evaluating each entry. Winning one is a significant achievement and a badge of honour for the world to see.

2. The DMA Awards require client approval to enter. How did you secure this?

In our experience, clients love awards. We’ve even had briefs that specified, ‘this work should be DMA-worthy’. The real challenge is often gaining approval to share results, which is arguably the most crucial part of the entry. We also work closely with our clients on submissions – it's as much their story as ours, and it needs to represent their world.

3. How did you gather all the necessary information? Did you assign someone to the task or seek external help?

Our guiding principle is that creating award-winning work follows the same formula as producing great work. We’re always mindful of which projects have the right ingredients as they progress, meaning we collect the essential elements throughout the process.

4. What was the hardest part of the process? How did you overcome this?

The most challenging part is distilling a six-month project into 1,000 words that resonate with someone who wasn’t involved. Deciding which details, no matter how impressive, might detract from the core story is tough. Getting feedback from people who weren’t part of the project helps maintain objectivity.

5. What’s the key to creating an award-winning entry?

Every time we consider submitting a project, we evaluate it based on the same principles that the DMA judges use. It's crucial to present your story in a way that resonates with those who weren't involved. Ensure you provide all relevant assets to give judges a complete picture of what you’ve done. I’ve judged many entries that failed to include even one example of the project’s outcome, which is often an automatic disqualification. Don’t leave anything to chance; even if someone is advocating for you, if you can't prove it, it won’t pass.

6. What did you gain from the process? Is entering as important as winning?

Entering is a fantastic exercise in evaluating whether your work holds up to scrutiny, even within your own organisation. We usually start with a long list of 10+ projects, but only 4 or 5 may make it to full entries. Even then, we’ll eliminate submissions that we feel don’t have what it takes to succeed.

7. What advice would you give to smaller organisations considering entering the DMA Awards?

When we won our first DMA Gold award, there were only 25 people in our business. Size is far less important than producing great work. My advice is to find someone who has been a judge – or apply to be one yourself – to help with your entry. Spending time with a judge will give you invaluable insights into the process: how thorough the judging is, the range of backgrounds in the room, and which details are likely to be overlooked.

Why You Should Enter

Entering the Email Category of the DMA Awards offers more than just a chance to win – it’s an opportunity to elevate your team’s creativity and strategic thinking. As Rob highlighted, the process is a valuable learning experience, allowing you to critically assess your work and identify what truly stands out.

Success isn’t defined by the size of your team, but by the strength of your ideas and execution. Focus on showcasing the quality and impact of your work. With dedication and a clear understanding of what the judges are looking for, you can craft an entry that not only competes but shines.

Winning a DMA Award validates your hard work, boosts your brand, and opens the door to new opportunities. Why not take this chance to gain recognition, demonstrate your expertise, and see how your work stands up on a prestigious platform?

Read the full Email Category Description here.

Find out more and submit your entry here, if you have any questions please contact the team.

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