Categories 2024
08 May 2024

2024 Categories
The DMA Awards are the proving ground for work that works. For over 40 years, the DMAs have attracted entries from brave brands, the inspiring agencies they partner with and the multitude of tech and innovation suppliers, companies who all combine to help bring vivid dreams to technicolour life. Every year it is a commitment to rigour and a stonewall belief in our three pillars: Strategy, Creativity and Results that sets the DMA Awards apart as the most rewardingly hard to win in the business.
There are 39 categories in total, split across five tracks: Industry Sectors, Channels, Campaigns, Data and Tech and Craft.
Entry Eligibility Criteria
Work must have been live at some point between 1 August 2023 - 20 September 2024.
Work can be either a single execution, a full campaign or long term programme, strategy or marketing activity. Therefore, it can be finished or ongoing.
Long term programmes that began earlier are eligible as long as they have still been active in the period.
If you have any questions, please contact our Awards Team who can answer your queries or arrange a time to talk you through the process, category selection and making the most of your DMA Awards Entry.
Industry Sectors
1. Automotive
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting automotive products or services.
What can you enter?
Work relevant to cars, commercial vehicles and motorcycles from manufacturers, retailers, leasing, and rental providers.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Please note: Insurance and financial work with automotive components should be entered into the financial services category.
Get inspired: 2023 Automotive Winners Case Studies
2. B2B
This category is for B2B work in any sector.
What can you enter?
Work that targets business customers to buy or engage with brands, products, or services.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Please note:
Work that has been submitted into any sector category can be submitted here too if it is aimed at a B2B audience.
Get inspired: 2023 B2B Winners Case Studies
3. B2C
This category is for B2C work in any sector.
What can you enter?
Work that targets end customers to buy or engage with brands, products, and services.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Please note:
Work that has been submitted into any sector category can be submitted here too if it is aimed at a B2C audience.
Get inspired: 2023 B2C Winners Case Studies
4. Charity
This category is for B2B or B2C work that seeks to raise funds for and/or awareness of charities.
What can you enter?
Work that seeks to raise funds for, awareness of, involvement in or affinity to a registered charitable organisation.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new supporters
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Please note:
If you used Mail, Unaddressed Print or Door Drops as part of this work, we encourage you to use JICMAIL to measure effectiveness, please include this information where possible.
Get inspired: 2023 Charity Winners Case Studies
5. Entertainment and Publishing
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting entertainment and publishing brands.
What can you enter?
Work relevant to broadcasting, streaming services, live experiences, television, cinema, mobile or digital gaming, music services, podcasting, or publishing brands.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Entertainment and Publishing Winners Case Studies
6. Financial Services
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting financial services or fintech.
What can you enter?
Work that promotes banking services; savings products; lending products; pensions; investments; financial advice; insurance or fintech solutions.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Financial Services Winners Case Studies
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting FMCG brands.
What can you enter?
Work that promotes FMCG brands, for example; packaged foods, beverages, toiletries, cosmetics and cleaning products.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers.
- How the overarching strategy informed the creative execution.
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads, sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand.
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy.
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 FMCG Winners Case Studies
8. Health and Wellness
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting Health and Wellness brands, products and/or services.
What can you enter?
Work that promotes health and wellness or specific pharmaceutical products or services for example; Healthcare, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Personal Care, Fitness, Women’s Health, Mindfulness and Mental Health.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Health and Wellness Winners Case Studies
9. Public Sector
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting or raising awareness of public sector products and services.
What can you enter?
Work that promotes public sector products, services, initiatives, and causes.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new audiences
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- The effect on participation levels, positive outcomes (e.g. behaviour change) and any societal benefits
- How the work supported the overall marketing objectives for the public body
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Public Sector Winners Case Studies
10. Retail and E-commerce
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting Retail and E-commerce brands.
What can you enter?
Work for retailers in either e-commerce, pop ups or bricks and mortar environments selling both goods and services.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Retail and E-Commerce Winners Case Studies
11. Sports
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting the sports industry.
What can you enter?
Work relevant to fitness, competitive and non-competitive sports.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Sports Winners Case Studies
12. Travel and Leisure
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting travel services and leisure brands.
What can you enter?
Work relevant to transport, holidays, travel, accommodation, and leisure destinations or activities.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Travel and Leisure - Winners Case Studies
13. Utilities and Telecommunications
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting utilities or telecommunication brands.
What can you enter?
Work relevant to utility and telecommunication services, brands or products.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Utilities and Telecommunications Winners Case Studies
14. Email
This category is for the best use of an email or an email programme generating response or engagement across B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
Work consisting of a single email, a series of emails, an automated email programme, or email that is part of multichannel marketing activity.
The emails could have been sent as part of a mass mailing, segmented activity, lifecycle campaign, programmatic or trigger emails.
Your entry should show:
- Clear strategy that sets out the objectives and the success criteria
- The target audience including how and why they were chosen
- Rationale for why email was a pivotal channel to the overall success of the work including any innovative use of the channel
- Any testing done, how it was set up and the impact it had
- Metrics such as ROI, conversions and email process metrics like opens, clicks and unsubscribes – ideally compared to other channels or email activity; what data was used to drive the work and any segment or personalisation tactics employed; creative and copy; optimisation and split testing; Q&A processes
- Entries must include the ‘from’ name and the subject lines. Please upload live emails using the URL upload in the supporting material section of the entry form and, where relevant, an overview of the email journey
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Email Winners Case Studies
15. Mail
This category is for work in a single-addressed mailing or a mailing activity across B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
Work that targets existing customers or prospects, including either addressed or partially addressed mail.
Your entry should show:
- Clear strategy that sets out the objectives the success criteria
- The target audience including how and why they were chosen
- Rationale for why mail was a pivotal channel to the overall success including any innovative use of the channel
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
- Any testing done, how it was set up and the impact it had
- What data and insights were used to drive the work including any segment or personalisation tactics employed; creative and copy; optimisation and split testing; Q&A processes
- Results achieved, showing how they met campaign objectives
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Please note: We encourage you to use JICMAIL to measure effectiveness, please include this information where possible.
Get inspired: 2023 Mail Winners Case Studies
16. Out of Home
This category is for B2B or B2C out of home (OOH) work that is designed to generate a response.
What can you enter?
Either digital or static OOH. Work may include video; dynamic, real-time content; social media engagement; mobile geo-targeting; multi-screen messaging; syncing and touchscreen interactivity; augmented reality; mobile-to-screen; gesture recognition; and behavioural measurement.
Your entry should show:
- Clear strategy that sets out the objectives and the success criteria
- The target audience including how and why they were chosen
- Rationale for why OOH was a pivotal channel to the overall success including any innovative use of the channel
- The creative concept
- Demonstration of the data strategy and measurement effectiveness
- Results achieved, showing how they met campaign objectives
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Out of Home Winners Case Studies
17. Social Media
This category is for the best use of social media across B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
Work that uses social media channels to engage with audiences or influencers (directly or via creators) and promotes community engagement.
It can be paid, earned or owned activity (please specify in your entry). Social can be the primary element of the work or part of wider marketing activity if its impact can be proven in isolation. The work should be using design for social channels first and use its creative language and codes (for example short form video).
Your entry should show:
- Clear strategy that sets out the objectives, the success criteria for the social media activation
- The target audience including how and why they were chosen
- Rationale for why social was a pivotal channel to the overall success including any innovative use of the channel
- How your work created brand awareness; increased customer engagement; reached new audiences; increased customer value; or drove sales
- The use of social media and other data sources to drive audience insight, target effectively, and measure performance
- How well your social media was integrated with broader, organisational marketing goals
- Results and KPIs showing brand-building, acquisition, or business growth as well as social media metrics such as likes or shares.
- The unique use of social media in your work
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Social Media Winners Case Studies
18. Unaddressed Print and Door Drops
This category is for best use of unaddressed print media and Door Drops across B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
Work that uses unaddressed print media or door drops. This includes door drops delivered to residential households or businesses, inserts, point of sale, or off-the-page advertisements in newspapers or magazines.
Your entry should show:
- Clear strategy that sets out the objective and the success criteria
- The target audience including how and why they were chosen
- Rationale for why unaddressed print was a pivotal channel to the overall success including any innovative use of the channel
- Any testing done, how it was set up and the impact it had
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
- Creative and formats
- Results achieved, showing how they met campaign objectives
How is it judged?
This category is judged 40% on strategy, 20% on creativity, and 40% on results.
Please note: We encourage you to use JICMAIL to measure effectiveness, please include this information where possible.
Get inspired: 2023 Unaddressed Print and Door Drops Winners Case Studies
19. AI
This category is for B2C or B2B work where AI has contributed in its effective deployment.
What can you enter?
Work that demonstrates the role and impact of AI on customer engagement.
Your entry should show:
- Clearly articulate how AI is integrated into your activity. Highlight the specific AI technologies or methodologies employed.
- Detail the process of designing and executing your AI solution, emphasising alignment with business objectives. Showcase the uniqueness and efficiency of your solution in addressing business needs.
- Illustrate how your AI initiative prioritises a customer-centric approach. Provide evidence of the solution's positive influence on customer experience and satisfaction.
- Describe the cutting-edge techniques applied in a practical, commercial context. Highlight innovations and advancements that sets your approach apart from conventional strategies.
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2021 AI Winners Case Studies
20. Brand Building
This category is for B2C or B2B activity that builds brand awareness, increase positive perceptions and attitudes amongst prospects and/or customers over the long term.
What can you enter?
Work that shows a programme of activity which includes clear and measurable evidence that it positively changed attitudes towards and awareness of the brand.
Your entry should show:
- The long-term customer and business objectives of the programme. Be sure to give judges the context of the benchmark that defines long term in your sector.
- The customer and business insights which underpinned the work
- How and why the audience(s) chosen were targeted
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- Detail of the programme’s activation, at launch and/or ongoing, including examples of customer communications and touchpoints
- How the work contributed to the overall marketing objectives over the years
- Tangible evidence of the improvement in brand awareness, shifts in brand perception and changed audience attitudes towards the brand over the long term. If your programme has run over more than one year, ensure you show how developments in the programme have improved results in the eligibility period.
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Brand Building Winners Case Studies
21. Brand Experience
This category is for B2C or B2B work that use brand experiences to engage the target consumer, either in a virtual or physical space.
What can you enter?
Work that shows how either in person (e.g. events, product sampling) or virtual experiences (e.g. Metaverse, Web3, AR and VR) have led to acquisition or retention of the target customer.
Your entry should show:
- The insights driving the brand experience
- How and why the audience(s) chosen were targeted
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- How the work contributed to the overall marketing objectives over the last two years
- Show tangible metrics that increased brand awareness, shifted brand perception, and changed audience attitudes towards the brand
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Brand Experience Winners Case Studies
22. Customer Acquisition
This category is for B2C or B2B acquisition work.
What can you enter?
Work that shows how the activity led to the acquisition of new customers to the brand and how these customers increased overall purchase behaviours. This could be an individual campaign or a longer term acquisition programme.
Your entry should show:
- Approach taken; the objectives and what the activity set out to achieve
- The insights that directed audience targeting and channel choice for the acquisition of new customers
- How and why the prospect audience(s) were chosen
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- The steps taken to capture prospects, enquiries or sales
- How you integrated the strategy across all customer touchpoints
- Show tangible metrics to prove your efforts were successful (number of new customers acquired, CPAs by media channel used, engagement in marketing activities, ROI).
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Customer Acquisition Winners Case Studies
23. Customer Journey
This category is for B2C or B2B work that takes a prospect or customer on an engaging and connected journey towards a valuable outcome.
What can you enter?
Marketing activity specifically designed to deepen audience engagement and grow lifetime value. Journeys need to include multiple touchpoints and should use data to deliver individualised experiences. They could be for individual campaigns, or for programmes over time. This might be a more journey focused version of another entry (it’s worth considering if you’ve entered Customer Programme, or Integrated, for example), or it might be something you’ve specifically created to show off your CX mapping brilliance.
Your entry should show:
- The insights that drive the connected customer journey
- The insights behind the audience choice and the variations within the audience.
- How the brand platform or creative idea is woven through the journey bringing it to life and using each touch point in the most engaging way
- How you integrated the strategy across all customer touchpoints
- Examples of the creative work and CX at the different stages of the journey
- A journey map (we specifically need to see what the connected journey is in the supporting material – its touchpoints, its use of data, its phasing)
- Show tangible metrics to prove the connected customer journey was successful. Increased engagement, brand uplift, long term customer value, sales, and ROI
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Customer Journey Winners Case Studies
24. Customer Programme
This category is for B2C or B2B customer programmes, including loyalty, subscription, and member-based propositions.
What can you enter?
Programmes which develop value-driving relationships between the brand and its customers that show longer-term effectiveness. Entries can include new propositions or developments of existing programmes.
Your entry should show:
- The long-term customer and business objectives of the programme. Be sure to give judges the context of the benchmark that defines long term in your sector.
- The customer and business insights which underpinned the work
- Detail of the programme’s activation, at launch and/or ongoing, including examples of customer communication and touchpoints
- Evidence of the improvement in key results used to measure success. Strong entries will show improvements in long-term measures such as customer lifetime value, retention, satisfaction and brand affinity, as well as short term metrics such as comms engagement rates
- If your programme has run over more than one year, ensure you show how developments in the programme have improved results in the eligibility period.
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Customer Programme Winners Case Studies
25. Inclusive Marketing
This category is for B2B or B2C work that authentically drives inclusivity.
What can you enter?
Work that looks to promote the progressive diverse representation across ethnicity, disability, gender, sexual orientation, and/or age.
It could be a one-off or a longer-term programme; a single channel, or a muti-channel approach. It may be focused on inclusivity in data, or it might have more of a creative focus. It should think about inclusion holistically, beyond ‘casting’, with insight into how you integrated inclusivity into the overarching strategy, and the impact that your focus on inclusivity drove.
Your entry should show:
- Clear objectives and evidence of how this has been achieved
- Who the work was aimed at
- How the work used community insight
- How relevant communities have been authentically included in ideation and execution.
- How the strategy informed the creative execution or the customer experience, with an idea that shows originality and appropriateness for the brand
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Inclusive Marketing Winners Case Studies
26. NEW: Innovation for Good - In Partnership with Dentsu and Salesforce
This category is for a B2B or B2C innovation that has generated a positive impact for customers, industry or society.
What can you enter?
Work that has truly been innovative in its category with the purpose of driving lasting and positive change on the business’ customers, the industry or wider society.
Your entry should show:
- Clear objectives and evidence of how this has been achieved
- Who the target audience was and how they were addressed
- How the work used customer insight
- How the strategy informed the creative execution or the customer experience, with an idea that shows originality and appropriateness for the brand
- Show innovation in execution, experience, and use of tech
- Results that will demonstrate the positive change, including commercial impact and other metrics such as social value, customer satisfaction, or environmental benefits, to reassure the judges that the work was effective.
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results
27. Integrated
This category is for B2C or B2B work using three or more media channels in any combination.
What can you enter?
Work that uses three or more media channels in the execution.
Your entry should show:
- Clear objectives and rationale (based on data and insights) for the media and channel strategy chosen
- Why the target audience(s) were used, backed up with insights
- The approach to strategic and creative synergy across all the activity
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
- How the customer interacted across channels, including tangible metrics (engagement rates, CPA, ROI, etc) both for the individual media channels and for the overall campaign
- How the campaign increased the audience’s relationship with the brand
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Please note: If you used Mail, Unaddressed Print or Door Drops as part of this work, we encourage you to use JICMAIL to measure effectiveness, please include this information where possible.
Get inspired: 2023 Integrated Winners Case Studies
28. Launch
This category is for a B2B or B2C work launching a new brand, product, or service.
What can you enter?
Work that launches a new brand, product, or service.
Your entry should show:
- The insight driving the launch strategy
- How the insight informed both the audience selections and the creative approach that shaped the campaign
- The marketing activity in detail and how it supported the overall strategy
- Show tangible metrics that clearly prove that the launch was a success and the brand, product, or service, has been clearly established
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Launch Winners Case Studies
29. Sustainability
This category is for B2B or B2C marketing activities or initiatives that are working to raise awareness of sustainability and/or drive a change in behaviour in favour of people and the planet.
What can you enter?
Work that drives sustainable behaviours, promotes sustainable choices, and/or influences customers to behave more sustainably.
Your entry should show:
- Clear objectives and evidence of how these have been achieved
- Detail how this work sits within the overall Net Zero commitment or sustainability reporting of the brand
- Who the work was aimed at
- How the work used customer insight
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- An idea that shows originality and appropriateness for the brand
- Results that demonstrate a proven impact on environmental sustainability
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Sustainability Winners Case Studies
30. Thoughtful Marketing
This category is for B2B or B2C marketing activity or initiatives that have demonstrated true compassion for their customers or society more broadly.
What can you enter?
Work that truly puts the customer first by recognising, understanding, and acting on an individual’s, business’ or society’s circumstances to go above and beyond normal service and be a force for good. This work could be Corporate Social Responsibility or other purpose led initiatives, it could be where a brand has partnered with a charity, or it could be an example of a brand prioritising ‘doing the right thing’ over driving a short-term sales uplift.
Your entry should show:
- Who the work was aimed at
- How the work used customer insight
- How the strategy informed the creative execution
- How your work supported individuals, businesses, or broader society
- An idea that shows originality and appropriateness for the brand
- Results that will demonstrate social value or the social impact created by your campaign, to reassure the judges that the work was effective.
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Thoughtful Marketing Winners Case Studies
Data and Tech
31. Data and Insight
This category is for data insights and the application of those insights across B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
Work that drives or contributes significantly to a programme strategy and execution. The work should have proactively used data to inform, support or drive engagement or business driving activity.
Your entry should show:
- How powerful data can be by demonstrating where insight from the data has driven or contributed significantly to the work’s strategy and execution
- Where data analysis has driven a greater understanding of customer behaviour
- Where data analysis has delivered a deeper understanding of the drivers of profit or operational efficiency
- Where appropriate, show the use of data insight applied to or derived from AI, machine learning, or behavioural data-driven triggers
- How the insight or data has been applied to drive response and/or targeting and an increase in ROI
How is it judged?
This category will be scored 40% on strategy, 20% on creativity, and 40% on results.
Get inspired: 2023 Data and Insight Winners Case Studies
32. Data Storytelling
This category is for data storytelling across B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
Work that uses narrative or visual techniques to bring complex data insights to life. The work should have proactively used data to inform, support or drive engagement or business driving activity.
Your entry should show:
- Storytelling, where a compelling narrative has been crafted around data insights
- Evidence of creative and intelligent use of data
- How the insights have been applied to the activity or programmes and the impact they have had
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.
Get inspired: 2023 Data Storytelling Winners Case Studies
33. Digital Product
This category is for digital product creation for either B2B or B2C brands, either from scratch or as part of a digital transformation journey.
What can you enter?
Websites, Mobile apps, wearables, software as a service platform.
Your entry should show:
- A clear customer problem and customer need
- A well thought through product design and product experience
- Show innovation in execution, experience, and use of tech
- Results such as number of downloads, users, revenue and ROI
- A clear narrative on how your product has achieved the business goals
How is it judged?
This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results
Get inspired: 2023 Digital Product Winners Case Studies
34. Marketing Automation
This category is for work that demonstrates how automation has driven business value.
What can you enter?
Work that has used automation to optimise previously manual processes with the aim of allowing people to be more creative and innovative, increasing efficiencies or introducing personalisation that directly improves customer experience and value.
Your entry should show:
- What business problem you helped to solve and the insight that led to this
- How technology has been used
- How automation of processes has driven business value
- How it has enabled you to do something you could not previously do
- How this has improved the customer experience and/or driven personalisation at scale
How is it judged?
This category will be scored 40% on strategy, 20% on creativity and 40% on results.
Get inspired: 2023 Marketing Automation Winners Case Studies
35. NEW: Media Strategy
This category is for effective and creative use of data in media planning to drive awareness and/or sales, create leads and/or engagement by activating personalised messages for targeted audiences on one or multiple channels.
What can you enter?
Work relevant to any media activation for a B2B or B2C brand that leverages data analytics and insights, first-party data, and third-party data to drive impactful media campaigns with personalised messaging, audience targeting, media placement/ channel mix and optimisation of media spend.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- How the work used customer insight and data in a new and interesting way
- How the strategy informed the media planning and buying
- How media plan informed creative solution
- Results that show cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
- How your work supported the overall marketing strategy
How is it judged?
This category is judged on 40% strategy, 40% results and 20% for creativity.
Please note: If you used Mail, Unaddressed Print or Door Drops as part of this work, we encourage you to use JICMAIL to measure effectiveness, please include this information where possible.
36. Copywriting
This category is for copywriting in any medium across B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
Work that drives response. Any format or media where copywriting was crucial to the work.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- A description of the strategy, target audience and media strategy in a way that will help the judges assess the relevance of the writer’s approach
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
- Results to reassure the judges that the work was effective
How is it judged?
This category is judged 20% on strategy, 60% on creativity, and 20% on results.
Get inspired: 2023 Writing Winners Case Studies
37. Creative Solution
This category is for creative thinking in solving a particular marketing challenge for either B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
This category is for work displaying creative innovation that delivers action-orientated communications or experiences.
Your entry should show:
- A strong idea that shows creative originality as well as appropriateness for the brand
- An outline of the strategy and target audience
- A description of the creative thinking process that led to the solution
- How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way
- Results to reassure the judges that the work was effective
How is it judged?
This category is judged 20% on strategy, 60% on creativity, and 20% on results.
Get inspired: 2023 Creative Solution Winners Case Studies
38. Design or Art Direction
This category is for design and/or art direction in any medium across B2B or B2C work.
What can you enter?
Work that drives response. Any format or media where design and/or art direction was crucial to the work.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long term activity using either single or multiple channels.
Your entry should show:
- A description of the strategy and target audience
- How the Art Direction or Design approach leveraged consumer/customer insight to connect with the audience
- Results to reassure the judges that the work was effective
How is it judged?
This category is judged 20% on strategy, 60% on creativity, and 20% on results.
Get inspired: 2023 Design or Art Direction Winners Case Studies
39. Film, Video or Moving Image
This category is for best use of film, video or moving image to generate a response across B2C or B2B work.
What can you enter?
The work can be advertising or branded content in a paid for, social or owned environment.
Your entry should show:
- Clear strategy that sets out the objectives and the success criteria
- The target viewer including why they were chosen
- Rationale for why the film, video or moving image was pivotal to the overall success of the work
- Creative
- A strong call to action that compels you to want to act
How is it judged?
This category is judged 20% on strategy, 60% on creativity, and 20% on results.
Get inspired: 2023 Film, Video or Moving Image Winners Case Studies