2018 Bronze Best use of mobile and connected devices | DMA

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2018 Bronze Best use of mobile and connected devices


Agency: TMW Unlimited

Client: Lynx

Campaign name: The AJ Lynx Drop

Campaign overview

Putting the cool back in to Lynx

The brief

Lynx had a problem – they’d lost their cool.

Following a recent partnership with Anthony Joshua (AJ) and their first limited-edition product for six years, the challenge was to drive awareness among the target market of 13-25 year-old men.


Market saturation and difficulty in reaching the male 13 to 25-year-old audience made this a challenging brief.

With differences between older and younger customers’ buying habits, the strategic approach needed to guarantee cut-through with both segments.

Young men are attached to their phones, scrolling through their social feeds, watching sports, and gaming.

So the campaign gave AJ’s fans what they wanted – a fight they could participate in themselves.

The target audience received a gamified smartphone treasure hunt for the ultimate prize – tickets to his upcoming fight.

Places the audience were hanging out – gyms, fitness centres – were targeted to maximise engagement.

And for winners to claim their prize they had to submit their email addresses.

The mobile-led campaign launched on AJ’s Instagram and Facebook channels and ran for five weeks in the lead up to the fight.


The AJ Lynx Drop was a digital and physical first for the brand.

The campaign called for a bespoke interactive web app that removed barriers to entry, with no time or phone storage needed to download.

The experience was built to tap into youth ‘surprise drop’ culture, with a competition to find a gold can through the app and win tickets to the next AJ fight.

To unlock the prizes, users had to physically visit the digital hotspots with their phones – not knowing what was behind each drop or if someone had beaten them to it until they arrived.

New drops appeared weekly to sustain engagement in this race against time, and by launching on AJ’s Instagram stories, the work created a sense of urgency.

Instagram stories proved a seamless digital user experience as the audience was able to swipe up and start playing.


The campaign engaged a tricky audience segment digitally and physically, and got them to take to the streets in their thousands to track down the new Lynx cans.

The campaign earned huge reach on both AJ’s and Lynx channels, driving mass awareness of the product.

Far from being London-centric, the geotargeted campaign garnered national engagement right across the UK.

By integrating seamlessly with the way this audience use mobile, the campaign was hugely engaging and an impressive number of people interacted with the AJ Lynx Drop.

It not only met the objective of achieving mass awareness, but drove consideration amongst a brand-new audience too.


TMW Unlimited - Kate Craggs, Copywriter - Rob Lloyd, Art Director - Lorena Teruel, Design Director - Jamie Coggans, Creative Director - Jeff Bowerman, Creative Director - Ben Good, Account Director

Lynx - Jamie Brooks, Brand Manager


LANDMRK Proximity

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