Legal Basis of Personal Data Flow Post-Brexit | DMA

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Legal Basis of Personal Data Flow Post-Brexit


The moveable feast that is Brexit is tackled by the DMA's experts, with specific focus on dataflows in a post-Brexit environment. Learn the legal basis for data flow, how data will EU - UK, and thoughts on actions in a No Deal scenario.

How will your organisation work with personal data post-Brexit?

Tune in to this webinar - part of the DMA's Brexit Toolkit - to discover:

  • An overall perspective on personal data flow post-Brexit
  • How data will move from the EU to the UK after Brexit, with thoughts on UK Government applications of EU standards and the latest ICO insights - crucial takeaways to inform how you shape your data strategies
  • A series of perspectives on a No Deal scenario and what you can do to ensure you are as prepared as possible after 31 October

You will learn that you still have options; what those options are and how to bind them into your organisation's strategy for dealing with data in a Brexit context; and how the DMA can support your efforts.

The session is chaired by Asli Yildiz, DMA Head of Legal.

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