DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Victoria Tuffill

Victoria Tuffill

Data Compliant Ltd
Chief Executive

Victoria is CEO of Data Compliant, and manages all client relationships. She works across a broad range of business sectors and speaks at conferences and events on the importance of robust data governance, compliance, security, and the upcoming EU data protection legislation. She is a member of the DMA's Data Council and holds the BCS Certificate in Data Protection.

A data protection, marketing and data insight consultant since 1996, Victoria has followed the development of the Data Protection Act since its inception in 1984 and has since been helping businesses ensure that their data, marketing, electronic and/or telemarketing policies are compliant, robust and secure. Her clients cover broad range of business sectors, including manufacturing, e-commerce, charities, advertising and media agencies, software companies, hospitality and memberships, publishing and pharma.

Victoria is a Non Executive Director helping both start-up and established businesses, and is a strategic consultant at Data Compliant's sister company, TVA Marketing.