DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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DMA | Organisation | The Ark (cm) Limited
The Ark (cm) Limited


4 Ram Court
United Kingdom

The Ark is a datacentric organisation that specialises in providing data identification, suppression, and enhancement products to the major supermarkets, insurance companies, credit bureaus, and more, since 2011.

We consist of two key elements: -

Data Sets: The Ark maintains market leading data sets, including the National Deceased Register, Mover Alerts, and UK Household File. These allow business to identify B2C customers and prospects who should be ruled in or out of marketing and customer experience efforts, resulting in highly focussed prospecting activity, marketing cost savings, and ultimately, more effective revenue generation. Along with the commercial benefits that our data sets bring, they are also uniquely positioned to provide accurate customer identification and fraud prevention checks.

JetStream: The Ark’s JetStream is a secure cloud-based cleanroom data matching solution with unrivalled accuracy that combines customer data with any third-party data or your own disparate data sets without sharing any personal identifiable identification (PII). When deployed into a Snowflake cloud platform, it operates in near real-time, processing up to 3 million records per minute. Combine it with The Ark’s data sets and you achieve the very same cost saving and revenue generation benefits, but with complete automation. Combine your own disparate data sets, and you can obtain a true Single Customer View.

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