What makes a great Telemarketing Campaign? | DMA

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What makes a great Telemarketing Campaign?


A great telemarketing campaign makes for a happy telemarketer and a happy client. Here are some ideas of what makes a great campaign – it is worth bearing in mind that many other things contribute towards a great telemarketing campaign. These are just the ones that the team chose as being most important…

Give it time

Some of the enquiries we receive are for a ‘trial’ month campaign. Unfortunately, this is not the most efficient way to generate leads. Telemarketing campaigns are about consistent work on a sales pipeline, so planning for a set amount of work each month works best where leads are constantly being generated and a relationship built with the prospects. Depending on how long your sales process is, there will always be time between an appointment being booked, you meeting that prospect, and them signing on the dotted line. If your telemarketing campaign doesn’t take this into account, how will you know if telemarketing is working for you?

Relevant data

We find that many campaigns work best when the data has been profiled before calling has begun. If you want to target companies with over 50 employees, make sure that your data is bought with this in mind.

Call Approach

If the call approach has been well structured and targeted towards the prospect with many different outcomes the campaign can have no loophole. The conversation also needs to run freely – it is not good for the telemarketer or the prospect if they are cornered into making a decision. Give the prospect some space to talk and find properly qualified prospects.

Set Realistic Goals

This is something which should be discussed with your telemarketing partner prior to your campaign beginning. As an organisation you may want to get 4 appointments a day. However, your telemarketing partner may have experience in your field and knows that 2 is more plausible. Listen to their advice. Goals can always be fluid, and change if the campaign is more successful that you hope. If results are not forthcoming, speak to telemarketing partner to work through the issues. Look at the call approach, the data, the message – it’s often the simplest of tweaks that can change your campaign around.


Always openly communicate your feelings with your telemarketing partner. Work alongside them to create alternative call approaches which will keep the campaign constantly engaging and allow it to reach its maximum potential.

If you have any more points that you feel are necessary for a great telemarketing campaign then please get in contact via our Twitter or Facebook pages or via our website ProspectResearch.co.uk

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