The CAP code
02 Oct 2018
The vast majority of marketers comply with the CAP Code.
For the small number who are unable or unwilling to do so, it’s important that the effectiveness and integrity of the self-regulatory system is upheld through recourse to sanctions, by compelling a non-compliant marketer to take the necessary corrective action.
One of CAP’s most effective sanctions is issuing Ad Alerts to its direct marketing and publisher members, as appropriate.
These alerts advise members of individual marketers’ non-compliance, as well as of wider sectoral issues, for example the prohibition of advertising of prescription-only medicines to the general public (see example attached).
The Alert asks members to withhold ad space until CAP confirms that the copy/images comply with the Code.
The CAP Compliance team is primarily responsible for coordinating sanctions and is undertaking work on its Ad Alert distribution list to ensure that the most appropriate contacts are receiving these notifications.
Normally, this would include those responsible for booking ad space but might also include the ad director.
Please could you supply the details of the most appropriate personnel at each of your publication titles to the ASA / CAP via Tina Cunningham (
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