Telemarketing - obsolete tactic or powerful strategic tool? | DMA

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Telemarketing - obsolete tactic or powerful strategic tool?


Telemarketing continues to hold a significant place in the marketing strategies of many businesses, despite a relentless wave of digital transformation. Contrary to common misconceptions, telemarketing is not an obsolete tactic; rather, it offers unique opportunities for direct engagement and personalised communication that many digital channels cannot replicate. However, some businesses still hold back from incorporating telemarketing into their marketing mix based on false perceptions of the channel and a lack of understanding of its potential. This blog seeks to demystify telemarketing, addressing the challenges, debunking common myths, and highlighting telemarketing benefits, relevance and efficacy.

Aggressive sales tactic?

Unfortunately, due to a small number of disreputable companies and high-profile scams, telemarketing has for some at least become synonymous with aggressive sales tactics. This negative association stems largely from consumer telemarketing where individuals feel bombarded by incessant calls, often in their homes at inconvenient times, pushing products or services with little regard for their interest or consent. Such practices have tarnished the reputation of telemarketing as a whole and created a barrier for adoption amongst businesses that might benefit.

The perception challenge is not trivial; it fundamentally undermines the telemarketing model and does a disservice to the potential value offered both by the channel and those committed to applying it well.

> Powerful strategic tool

Many reputable companies apply ethical telemarketing best practice and deliver telemarketing well, focusing on relevance, respecting the recipient's time and seeking to add value rather than intrude. Targeted B2B telemarketing particularly can provide a powerful, strategic tool for forging meaningful business relationships and fostering genuine connections rather than focusing merely on transactions.

Rather than a one-dimensional tactic, telemarketing is a rich and versatile channel that can add value either standalone or integrated within a broader marketing mix. It provides a direct, highly personal, and human way to make an authentic connection with potential customers, gather insight and develop successful relationships that lead to increased sales and brand loyalty.

As with any channel the key is how it is applied. Done well in a compliant way, ethical telemarketing involves a strategic customer-centric approach that delivers deeper understanding, more personalised communication, builds trust and relationships and focuses on fulfilling customer needs rather than simply sales.

Key elements of telemarketing best practice include:

  • Thorough training of telemarketing agents in product knowledge, communication skills, and compliance.

  • Respect for the recipient's time and preferences on call timing.

  • Focus on providing value and addressing customer needs.

  • Compliance with data protection and industry regulations.

  • Transparency, ongoing monitoring, and feedback for continuous improvement.

Compliance nightmare?

The use of aggressive sales tactics, mis-selling and scams have led to increased regulation to protect consumer data, privacy, and trust. Navigating this complex landscape of laws and regulations, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) in the US, can be challenging. GDPR was introduced to give individuals control of their personal data, including phone data but its introduction has created some confusion around the legality of cold calling and the permissible boundaries of phone outreach.

Applying telemarketing in GDPR-compliant way is possible but requires robust systems and processes, attention to detail, particularly regarding data protection, and ongoing staff training. Failure to adhere can also result in severe penalties and reputational damage, which may deter some businesses from marketing by phone.

> Legitimate direct marketing approach.

Staying compliant and adhering to customer’s wishes and preferences is vital, however, not only to avoid hefty penalties or fines but to maintain customer trust and brand integrity. This is true irrespective of which marketing channel you choose.

Within GDPR there is provision for organisations to market directly to individuals, including cold calling over the phone, if they can demonstrate a genuine and lawful reason for calling and protect the interests, rights, and freedoms of those they approach.

Ensuring compliance in telemarketing therefore involves screening against the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS), to remove anyone who has opted out of receiving marketing calls. Businesses need to manage a careful balance, demonstrating they have a legitimate interest in contacting those prospects, ensuring their outreach aligns with customer expectations and does not unduly infringe on the privacy rights of individuals. Robust staff training and processes to capture and act on customer preferences are a vital part of this.

For those who are worried about compliance, engaging a specialist telemarketing agency with dedicated systems and processes is an effective way to minimise any risk.

Complex and costly?

To implement and manage an effective telemarketing engagement requires investment in time and resource, staff training and coaching, as well as management oversight. Ideally, it also involves dedicated systems to provide transparency, insight, and productivity. The channel relies heavily on the skills and abilities of agents, be that call handling, customer care or telesales/inside sales. Hiring experienced telemarketers with the right skills is just the start. There's also the need for comprehensive training programmes to familiarise agents with the proposition as well as the systems and procedures to comply with legal and ethical standards. All of this can be daunting.

By contrast, digital marketing channels—such as social media, email, and content marketing—often present lower upfront costs and ease of implementation, an attractive alternative for businesses considering their marketing mix. However, these aren’t ‘like-for-like’ options and telemarketing as a channel has unique benefits plus the potential to increase conversion and deliver a higher return than other channels.

> Flexible and cost-effective

Telemarketing is inherently flexible, scalable, and measurable and when executed well can deliver a substantial return on investment. Unlike some marketing strategies that cast a wide net with uncertain conversion rates, telemarketing can strategically target a well-qualified audience. Drawing on fresh insight captured during a live conversation, it can present a tailored and compelling proposition in real-time. This direct engagement often leads to higher conversion rates, as the interaction builds trust and rapport and is centred on meeting the customer's needs and objections, significantly increasing the likelihood of closing a sale or upselling.

What is more, marketing by phone as a channel is far from a one-trick pony and can deliver a wealth of distinct functions and high-quality outcomes across the entire customer journey. From conducting prospect research, cleansing data, and adeptly handling calls and enquiries, to generating sales-ready leads and appointments right through to full telesales and inside sales, its versatility is unmatched. It also humanises brands, providing a personal touch that sets them apart in today's digital age. By using the phone across various touchpoints, businesses can deepen customer engagement, strengthen relationships, and drive tangible results.

Digital-led marketing

In today's fast-paced world, individuals crave instant responses, convenience, and control over their interactions, which digital channels readily provide. Through platforms like social media and websites, users can engage with content on their own terms, whether passively browsing videos or actively participating in online chats. This less invasive experience empowers users to consume information at their own pace, and provides an immersive experience by integrating multimedia elements, interactive interfaces, and visual content.

As a result of this, and the perceived lower cost, there has been a significant shift to digital channels and away from more traditional approaches such as telemarketing. However, there are pros and cons to any approach, and it is vital to acknowledge that digital channels cannot replicate the value of a genuine human connection. The key is in recognising and applying the unique strengths of each channel to create a more cohesive, engaging, and customer-centric experience.

> Omnichannel approach

An omnichannel approach integrates various channels to offer a seamless customer experience, regardless of how or where the customer chooses to interact with the brand.

Digital channels, while efficient and scalable, lack the personal connection that comes from human interaction. Telemarketing fills this gap by adding a human element to the digital customer journey. A conversation with a real human can provide customers with personalised, empathetic attention, it can address complex, sensitive issues in real-time, and make the customer feel valued, enhancing the overall quality of the customer experience. Accurate and actionable insight gathered during the call can improve lead qualification and inform overall targeting, helping refine strategies to improve the effectiveness of all marketing activities.

Integration of channels allows for a seamless customer experience across touchpoints, augmenting the strengths of each channel. Telemarketing, with its direct and personal touch, complements digital interactions by providing clarity, resolving queries, and deepening customer relationships in ways that digital channels alone might not achieve.

In summary

Telemarketing is far more than an aggressive sales tactic, it is powerful tool not just for sales, but for gathering insights, validating product concepts, and building long-term customer loyalty. The direct feedback and interaction telemarketing provides are invaluable for refining marketing strategies, product offerings, and enhancing the customer experience.

In an era where customer experience is paramount, telemarketing's role in providing a personal touch can significantly impact business growth. By effectively addressing and anticipating customer needs through direct communication, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, leading to increased retention, higher conversion rates, and positive word-of-mouth.

Businesses willing to innovate and integrate targeted telemarketing into their broader marketing and customer engagement strategies will be better positioned to navigate the evolving market landscape, meet their customers’ needs and achieve sustainable growth.

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