Say it on the invoice | DMA

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Say it on the invoice


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“Invoice advertising is relatively new, and it’s only with digital colour printing that invoice advertising has become attractive,” says Henrik Kihlberg, Sales Manager at Stralfors in Sweden.

Digital colour printing means that the message on the invoice can be personalised in a totally different way than when everything’s printed in black and white.

Companies can use photos and colours to make the message more selling and to get it to correspond with the company’s image in other advertising such as TV ads and printed matter.

“Messages on the invoice can be used to create a closer relationship with the customer. The message can be individually adapted so that the customer gets the most relevant message,” says Henrik Kihlberg. This might be information about bonus points, products that may be of interest to the customer, and so on.

Stralfors conducts eye tracking studies together with many of its customers in order to design a relevant invoice for the customer. Even if advertising on the actual invoice is still unusual, 15 per cent of companies enclose advertising inserts in the invoice envelope.

“But that has nothing like the same effect as advertising on the actual invoice,” says Henrik Kihlberg.

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