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Let's Work Together


As masters of our own universe, we need to recognise - although our own product or service will deliver against a client’s objectives and needs, it’s likely that another provider is required to have the maximum impact.

I hear the same story over and over again, where a business invests huge amounts of money into a system or platform that will “change the business” – but the provider never considers the ‘data’ element required to drive the system or the impact it will have on the marketing or sales departments. The business then has to embark on another journey to find another supplier, which in turn dilutes the impact of the original service provided.

Are businesses afraid that their relationship or position will be threatened by introducing another business or are they blinkered on just their own product and not the wider needs of their client?

By introducing a ‘Partner’ can only be good for a client, not only are they receiving informed and knowledgeable advice, but they also guaranteed to receive a joined up service where all aspects are considered and working in harmony.

A partnership does need to be approached in a structured manner from the start; both parties need to fully understand the deliverables and their part in the process. Concerns, ideas and pricing needs to be shared, considered and agreed with a plan of how the relationship will be managed moving forward.

Why be scared to allow a partner to own their part of the relationship? As long as you are delivering your part of the bargain then what is there to be worried about? Why not have monthly/quarterly team meetings with all stakeholders to ensure views are addressed as a team?

Finally, if success is achieved then lets share it as a team. Let’s recognise the fact that without all the other cogs our wheel would not have turned so smoothly. Let’s stand as a team and pat each other on the back and demonstrate to the world what team work can achieve…

In the word of Henry Ford – Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress; working together is success….

Want to work together? The Blueberry Wave’s team of Wave Business experts have over 25 years of aggregated industry knowledge, not only on prospect data buying, but also on the complexities of campaign planning and execution across all business industries.

To find out more visit www.blueberrywave.com

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