Is Artificial Engagement Impacting Your Marketing? | DMA

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Is Artificial Engagement Impacting Your Marketing?


Is Artificial Engagement Impacting Your Marketing?

Measuring the impact of marketing spend and campaigns has always been fundamental to the marketers. An increase in sophisticated marketing techniques mean that we are getting more and more in-depth reporting and analysis from response activity, however is there an issue we are yet to get to grips with?

Advances in automation and AI/machine learning could mean that technology is even replacing people when it comes to online engagement – something we’ve called ‘Artificial Engagement’. This is something the DMA North Council want to explore further, to understand if it’s creating inaccurate results, planning and costs for campaigns already.

That’s why we need your experiences and thoughts, which you can share through our quick online survey: Artificial Engagement survey.

On February 13th, we are hosting a roundtable to guage the awareness of 'Artificial Engagment' to discuss some of the key areas such as:

  • Awareness: Not everyone is aware of issues surrounding data. Are they blissfully unaware of artificial engagement, or do they prefer to take comfort in the figures they have available?
  • Reliability: For a long time, digital channels were touted as a reliable way to measure ROI. However, if concerned around ‘Artificial Engagement’ continue to grow, can this data be taken at face value anymore? What alternatives are there to reassure marketers of their reliability?
  • Accountability: Who is responsible? Is it the budget holder, the media planner/media strategist (agency) or is it the media owner themselves?
  • Intelligence: As technology continues to advance, it will only become harder to distinguish between human and artificial consumers. So how can we future-proof our strategies to solve this issue?

If you’d like to find out more about this project, the DMA North Council or would like to take part, you can also get in touch with Anna Lancashire, DMA North Community Manager, at To share your thoughts an experiences via the survey, please follow the link below.

Artificial Engagement survey

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