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Gareth Southgate's waistcoat


A big win for civil partnership, slowtivation, an ode to British creativity, and the workplace behavioural basics.

Your workmates aren’t really your mates. Accept it and move on.

Pub chat running a little dry? Try these conversational nuggets on for size:

  1. Life on the 82 (yes, 82) other Great British islands
  2. Who would win in a race between a man and a horse
  3. Gareth Southgate’s waistcoat

Bristol University students made headlines this week after presenting cleaner, Herman Gordon with £1,500 for a trip to his homeland in Jamaica following a GoFundMe campaign. Cockles officially warmed.

If there is one thing we’ve learnt from AI developments this year, it’s that communicating with actual real-life humans is overrated. What we really crave as a species is talking to robots that sound human. Because that isn’t creepy. Not at all. It really isn’t. No sir.

Coming to a Beefeater near you: Google Duplex.

Give a Lidl bit of your love to… well, Lidl.

The woes of being a creative soul – it’s a complicated old game. Looking at their work place wishes; Creative Review delve deep into why creatives respond better to intrinsic motivation.

Speaking of which: Slowtivation. It’s a thing. Multitalented designer, studio founder and writer Craig Oldham on staying motivated when work slows down.

‘Someone call security, one of the artworkers has crept in the back...’

An ode to British creativity; love letters from Tesco, Direct Line, Just Eat and Virgin.

This week’s must-watch: Time’s Up movement’s latest animated short, directed by Rashida Jones and narrated by Donald Glover. Addressing the FAQs around sexual harassment in the workplace, the guidance piece offers simple and clear advice for ‘scared and confused’ workers.

‘Is the culture shifting under your feet so fast you can’t make sense of it? Or do you simply not know how to behave at work anymore?’

A moment of self-reflection.

‘One man’s horseplay is another man’s humiliation’ Terry Crews details his sexual assault in powerful testimony to senate.

Bringing a new level of empathy to advertising, Cannes Grand Prix winner P&G’s ‘The Talk’. Director Malik Vitthal describes the goals and challenges behind a campaign that’s poignant message has gone far beyond its originally targeted borders.

The continued trials and tribulations of Uber. At the news of the renewal of their London licence, a scrutinization of their business model.

Free of religious connotations plus legal and financial protection for both parties; a big win for civil partnership.

Fashion. A week on from the company’s pledge to ban cashmere, silk, down and feathers – Asos launches sustainable fashion training programme.

To end, a commitment to diverse storytelling. Netflix has underlined its pledge to casting and hiring black talent in an ad called ‘A Great Day in Hollywood’.

The video streaming company gathered 47 Netflix creatives to reimagine Art Kane’s classic photo ‘A Great Day in Harlem’ which lead the magazine in 1958.

This is not a moment. This is a movement.

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