Friday Tip: Use Generative AI effectively | DMA

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Friday Tip: Use Generative AI effectively


Generative AI platforms are remarkably easy to use – at least, that’s how they seem. It’s easy for us to assume the advanced technology we’re using can infer the context of our requests, but we must remember that generative AI cannot read our minds (at least, not yet!).

Generative AI is only as good as the prompts you provide it with and the data fed into it. To leverage it effectively, you need to create detailed prompts that accurately encapsulate your brand’s precise objectives and target audience.

Packed with valuable insights and expert advice, the Relationship Marketer's Guide to AI showcases 6 Ways to Use Generative AI for Relationship Marketing. From personalised content creation to predictive analytics, you’ll learn how to harness the power of AI to deepen customer connections and drive impactful results. Get practical advice on how to effectively prompt generative AI to create compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Explore techniques to optimise content generation and ensure it aligns with your brand voice and marketing goals.

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