Do you know an aspiring creative? | DMA

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Do you know an aspiring creative?


In association with the GRT, IDM & DMA, Big Book Crit gives aspiring creatives the upper hand on kick-starting their career in the marketing and advertising industry.


Tuesday 17th October, 6,9pm at PSONA.

How does the night work?

Listen to a topical, introductory talk.

Split into groups.

Show your work to a creative director/industry expert in 15 minute slots as individuals or teams.


Show your work to a different creative director/industry expert.


Show your work to a different creative director/industry expert.

You get the picture…

Network over drinks and nibbles to round the evening off.

**Placements have been offered off the back of this event, so it's a night not to be missed!

For more information and to book tickets (which are free), click here.

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