DMA insight: The legal base for legitimate interests | DMA

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DMA insight: The legal base for legitimate interests


In the GDPR, Recital 47 declares direct marketing a legitimate interest, a significant win for the DMA's lobbying efforts.

But what are the fundamentals to this legal base for processing data, and what do marketers need to know?

Read on below and download a PDF of our infographic. You will:

  • Learn why a legitimate interest is a subjective legal option
  • Find out about Legitimate Interest Assessments (LIA) - and how to carry one out
  • Discover what safeguarding risks to data subjects looks like

DMA insight: The legal base for legitimate interests

DMA insight: The legal base for legitimate interests

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Am slightly confused by this example of Legitimate Interest. I assume that the purchase was done by email, therefore, marketing can be assumed to be ok by the same media. Nevertheless, under PECR Rules surely we still need consent to email marketing?

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