DMA insight: GDPR and three questions to audit your data | DMA

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DMA insight: GDPR and three questions to audit your data


Don't be daunted by the GDPR. Use these three questions to get your data audit underway - the first step on the road to getting GDPR-ready. This is the first in a series of infographics to help you get GDPR ready, simply.

Many find the looming GDPR daunting. Use this new infographic to help audit your data - the first step to getting GDPR-ready.

The GDPR will change the way you do business, and part of this change relates to the data your business holds. The first step is a data audit to find out what will be permitted under the new rules, and what won't.

This infographic boils down the requirements into three simple questions you can use to interrogate your data.

This is a first step and the DMA will follow-up this infographic with more guides to simplify the GDPR.

Get ready for the GDPR, but make the process simple:

Click here for a downloadable PDF

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