DMA advice on persistent misuse | DMA

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DMA advice on persistent misuse


In December Ofcom published a revised statement on the enforcement of silent and abandoned calls, which appeared to set its tolerance for both at zero. Read our advice to ensure your contact centre continues to thrive.

However, Ofcom did not issue any guidance for brands or agencies running contact centres.

To plug this gap, the DMA has compiled practical guidance for those running contact centres that will help them comply with Ofcom's stance.

This includes:

  • A comprehensive summary of Ofcom's statement
  • Advice on the operation of outbound calling systems including progressive diallers, predictive diallers, automated outbound messaging systems, interactive voice messaging (IVM) systems and other forms of automated outbound calling
  • A glossary of terms

The DMA presents a more in-depth look at this issue at the Royal Society of Chemistry in London on 16 May featuring speakers from The DMA, Ofcom and ICO.

DMA advice: persistent misuse

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