Corporate Learning | DMA

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Corporate Learning


For the UK data and marketing industry to continue to thrive, it’s vital that practitioners have the most up-to-date marketing competencies.

Data, creative and digital marketing skills are vital to help you and you teams succeed in wake of the disruption wrought by Covid-19.

But we know budgets are tight, restricting your ability to invest in the professional development required to upskill your talent.

As a not-for-profit enterprise, our mission is to support our industry and our Membership community through this challenging time.

Grab the chance to be the first of 500 applicants to win up to 50% subsidy on all IDM learning and training.

Here’s how it works:

Corporate Learning: Tutor-led Virtual Classrooms – 30% off

All our Short Courses, and Professional Qualifications delivered in a group setting for your organisation.

Bring people together, online, in live, interactive learning and training environments.

  • Target specific business needs through the tailoring and customisation of learning content.
  • Increase relevancy by integrating client specific examples, processes, tools and terminology
  • Give you choice, control and flexibility, by selecting the delivery times and modalities that best meet the needs of your business.
  • Develop knowledge, skills and capability at scale. As the entire team shares the learning experience together, the ideas, techniques and philosophies learnt are often more quickly and widely adopted.

You’ll also reduce costs by training groups of marketers, with cost-per-head that is significantly lowered.

Corporate Learning: Online Learning through The Hub – 50% off

We serve online learning through The Hub platform, so you and your people can learn when you want, how you want and where you want.

That’s 24/7 access to the following benefits:

  • Over 150 bite-sized learning modules for targeted learning that tackles the challenges and pain points your teams and business face right now
  • Build relevant and practical content-rich, tailored learning pathways that address your business priorities
  • Choose from a portfolio of more than a dozen IDM Professional Qualifications
  • Access the wealth of expertise and experience from the DMA’s data-driven marketing community, including webinars from industry experts and thought leaders, our case study library packed with DMA Award-winners, and industry-leading insight and research to help you fine-tune your marketing

Take a look at how The Hub works here, and you can read more about the functionalities and experience here.

How to apply

To find out more about our Corporate Learning offering, and to take advantage of Member subsidies, please contact with the subject line: ‘Membership Learning Subsidy’.

A member of our account management team will contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Become a DMA Member

If you’re not yet a Member of Europe’s largest community of data-driven marketers, contact our Membership team and we can discuss how we can work together – and how you can take advantage of this 50% subsidy offer.

For an overview of IDM Home Learning, click here.

For Virtual Classroom, click here.

For the Online Learning Hub, click here.

For the IDM Learning Blog, click here.

This offer ended on the 30th of September.

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