Checklist: 10 Tips for E-Mail Marketing in Retail | DMA

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Checklist: 10 Tips for E-Mail Marketing in Retail

Hardly any other industry uses email marketing as intensively as retail. This is not only true for e-commerce providers, who for example use their newsletter to promote their new products. Offline retailers also rely on email marketing to attract customers to their stores with appealing offers or to promote additional services such as delivery services.

But even though many retailers, whether online, offline or multichannel, have already reached a very high level of maturity in email marketing, there is still potential for optimization.

These 10 tips await retailers:

1. Use transactional emails for marketing purposes
2. Identify unusual communication occasions
3. Integrate interactive Micro Shops in emails
4. Segment customers
5. Use self-service to get to know customers better
6. Gain newsletter opt-ins at retail touchpoints
7. Play out cross-sells and up-sells
8. Empower sites to do their own email marketing
9. Gain more ratings and referrals
10. Improve efficiency through automated content processing

Checklist for free download

The checklist: 10 tips for email marketing in retail is available for free download here

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