Case study : Virgin Limited Edition | DMA

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Case study : Virgin Limited Edition



- To increase email open rates above industry benchmarks

- To improve engagement rates to drive more traffic to the website

- To increase enquiries and improve customer acquisition rates through the email channel


- Creating a suite of CMS template designs

- Ensuring that the new designs cater for ever property and message that Virgin Limited Edition would want to convey

- A/B split testing the new designs to further refine their performance


- Open rate boosted by 30%

- Clickthrough rates increased by more than 100%

- Customer enquiries significantly increased to the resservations team following the email redesign

Virgin Limited Edition started working with Teradata in 2010 to use its email broadcasting platform, Digital Messaging Center, as well as its consulting services for best practice advice and strategic and creative development.

Virgin Limited Edition is a unique, award-winning collection of retreats owned by Sir Richard Branson, chosen for their stunning locations, magnificent surroundings and offering of style, luxury and exceptional personal service. The group consists of Necker Island in the Caribbean’s British Virgin Islands, Necker Belle sailing around the Caribbean, Ulusaba Private Game Reserve in South Africa, The Roof Gardens and Babylon Restaurant in London, Kasbah Tamadot in Morocco, and The Lodge in Verbier, Switzerland.

Virgin Limited Edition previously had a simple email program and an easy-to-use template. In order to align their email program with the rest of their marketing strategy they required an entire new suite of more creative email templates to converse and engage with their prospects and customers.

Virgin Limited identified that by investing in their email program to target their customers they could generate interest in their property offering, as well as communicate the breadth of properties available across the world quickly and with ease. The new and improved HTML templates were to be used to help nurture and develop relationships with people interested in the brand through email. Increased engagement is the key performance indicator for Virgin Limited Edition, as it is not possible to transact on their website.

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