Customer Engagement | Join the DMA

Customer Engagement

It seems obvious. If you build a rapport with your customers, and you have something they want, then they will buy from you again and again. We want to know what builds this rapport. We know creativity, data and technology are factors but we don’t know how the interplay works. That’s why we developed our Customer Engagement campaign, to find out what makes brilliant engagement, for the benefit of marketers and consumers everywhere.

Better engagement means better business.

Automation and intelligent marketing is transforming how we engage customers

New research from IBM and National Retail Federation discusses the implications and challenges of a more automated and intelligent marketing future for brands, with skills being the key to making these aspirations a reality.

DMA Insights: Marketer's view on channel and trust

Marketers and customers like chalk and cheese when it comes to communication channels – what they use, prefer and trust

Winning trust and loyalty will be key to solving marketers' digital dilemma

Mintel’s thoughts on the key trends from Adobe Summit 2019 point to the dilemma that marketers are facing: it’s easier to reach customers but harder to get them to care. We dive deeper into how to gain their trust and their loyalty.

Notes from the Future of Customer Engagement Client Roundtable 2019

The DMA has brought a select group of senior marketers together to discuss this year’s key trends. From educator brands, to new initiatives for diversity and inclusivity, get their take on what constitutes truly effective customer engagement.

DMA insight: What winning emails look like

Consumer preferences and technology are constantly in flux, but email continues to come out on top – keep reading to find out why

Amazon: A titan that's only getting stronger?

The latest insight from Mintel highlights the ubiquity of Amazon as a shopping destination for the majority of UK consumers, but is this built on more than just convenience and price?

DMA insight: Marketers' view on loyalty and rewards

Delve into loyalty from both the industry and customers’ perspective, find out what works when it comes to loyalty and rewards, and discover new opportunities for marketers in the future.
Member Content

Facing the Future: How Consumers and Brands View New Technology

Facing the future: how consumers and brands view new technology. Get inspired with our latest Customer Engagement research and discover what new technologies can do for you, your business, and your customers.

Customer Engagement - research round-up

Dive into our reports and take a look at customer engagement strategies from the viewpoint of customers and marketers