Customer Engagement | Join the DMA

Customer Engagement

It seems obvious. If you build a rapport with your customers, and you have something they want, then they will buy from you again and again. We want to know what builds this rapport. We know creativity, data and technology are factors but we don’t know how the interplay works. That’s why we developed our Customer Engagement campaign, to find out what makes brilliant engagement, for the benefit of marketers and consumers everywhere.

Better engagement means better business.

Semiotics, AI, and the Future of Customer Engagement

An overview of semiotics, and how it can play a big part in customer engagement. Hear success stories from &You, Sign Salad, and Lawes Consulting.

B2B from the Inside

Welcome to the world of B2B. During our B2B Careers Adventure series, we’ll explore what it means to work in B2B marketing, the benefits of working in the industry, and how it differs from B2C. Are you ready for a B2B Careers Adventure?

DMA Insight: Understanding Brand-Switchers

How can you understand your customers' mindset when comes to switching? What are consumers switching, and what drives them to do so? Take a look.

Balancing Personalisation: The Entertainment and Media's Lesson

Consumers demand tailored and unique media experiences. Media content and customer’s personal schedules need to somehow balance out. Read on to learn more from the Entertainment and Media industry’s with analysis from PwC.

Email Gets Results, So Why the Underinvestment?

Email delivers results and there’s plenty of room for innovation, so why the under-investment? Email continues to lead, compared to all other channels. Innovation is high on the agenda too. But the latest Email Marketing Industry Census suggests it still doesn’t receive the spend it...

Email Benchmarking Report 2019

The DMA's Email Benchmarking Report on key email metrics is here. In collaboration with dotdigital, we present our most widely-accessed research on the state of the industry.

B2B in a B2C World - Bonus Content 2

First, we shared the B2B Council Roundtable Podcast. And now, a few bonus insights from the experts.

Notes from: Customer Engagement 2019

What links Mixed Reality shopping malls, the African village of Tombohuaun and the growing power of podcasts? They were all hot topics of conversation at the DMA’s annual Customer Engagement event.