About Us | DMA Talent

About Us


DMA Talent champions the future stars and the diverse talent that offers such rich promise to the UK data and marketing industry.

We’re a part of the Data & Marketing Association (DMA) – Europe’s biggest community of data-driven marketers - and through DMA Talent we build pathways for students and apprentices to tap into a vibrant, thriving world of data-driven creativity, marketing, technology and innovation.

Our initiatives are free-to-attend, and feature inputs from creative leaders, innovative data and marking practitioners, and some of the industry's most pioneering thinkers.

We also work with educators and higher education institutions to help students gain skills to make them more employable and to place student talent in front of businesses drawn from around the agency, client, tech and innovation spaces.

Key contacts

Kate Burnett

General Manager of DMA Talent

Email: Kate.Burnett@dma.org.uk

Jessica Reilly

Head of DMA Talent

Email: Jessica.Reilly@dma.org.uk

James Dredge

Student Membership & Marketing Manager

Email: James.Dredge@dma.org.uk

Lisa McLauchlan

Regional Talent Manager, Scotland

Email: Lisa.McLauchlan@dma.org.uk

Anna Lancashire

Regional Talent Manager, North

Email: Anna.Lancashire@dma.org.uk

Andrew Buffrey

Regional Talent Manager, West --------------

Email: Andrew.Buffrey@dma.org.uk

Nasir Ibrahim

Marketing Assistant

Email: Nasir.Ibrahim@dma.org.uk

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