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Pandemic Mail Engagement Triggers Jump in Digital

Latest JICMAIL data reveals that during the coronavirus pandemic consumer engagement with mail has improved and it's proven more effective that never as a trigger to digital engagement.

Coronavirus: November 2020 - The Impacts on Business

The seventh phase of the DMA’s survey into the impact of coronavirus reveals rising levels of concerns about the long-term economic effects, as businesses enter the pivotal festive season for many of them. Read on to find out how the latest lockdown and new restrictions have impacted the...

Industry insights drive new Ad Net Zero 2030 target

New report from the Advertising Association’s Climate Action Working Group estimated the UK industry’s impact on the environment and sets a new target to achieve net zero emissions over the next decade.

Customer Engagement: How to Win Trust and Loyalty 2020

Our dig into customer loyalty. The last time our Customer Engagement research investigated this topic was 2018. And this time, we conducted it amid one of the most dramatic shifts our generation has ever lived and worked through.

Data Management: Breaking Down Consent and Preferences

A report to showcase the value of managing data correctly. Brands that go beyond just compliance with legal requirements can guarantee the maximum value for and from their customer data.

DMA Insight: Understanding the Real Impact and Return of Email

A snapshot of our Email Benchmarking Report 2020 – a reliable benchmark for brands, service providers, and agencies to gauge their email performance.
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