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Customer Engagement: How to Win Trust and Loyalty 2020

Our dig into customer loyalty. The last time our Customer Engagement research investigated this topic was 2018. And this time, we conducted it amid one of the most dramatic shifts our generation has ever lived and worked through.

Data Management: Breaking Down Consent and Preferences

A report to showcase the value of managing data correctly. Brands that go beyond just compliance with legal requirements can guarantee the maximum value for and from their customer data.

DMA Insight: Understanding the Real Impact and Return of Email

A snapshot of our Email Benchmarking Report 2020 – a reliable benchmark for brands, service providers, and agencies to gauge their email performance.

Investigating Email: Getting Returns On Email

Marketers’ estimate of the returns for every £1 spent on email remained strong in 2020, but what do the most successful programmes look like and the organisations that are running them? Read on to find more about how and which businesses are getting the best return on their emails.

Email ROI: Looking After the Little Guy

Commenting on the latest analysis from the DMA on email return on investment, the DMA Email Council’s Guy Hanson shares his advice to those not seeing the returns they might expect.

Coronavirus: September 2020 - The Impacts on Business

The DMA’s survey into the impact of the Coronavirus, now in its sixth phase, reveals concerns about cashflows and jobs remain, leading the DMA’s CEO to call for further support to help protect people’s health and livelihoods. Read on to find out how the latest government restrictions may...