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Baby Boomer Legacy Marketing report

This report contains insights on baby boomer legacy giving which are of great importance for legacy fundraisers who should be targeting this group (also known as generation x).

Book Aid International Case Study: Charity concept testing examples

We have plenty more concept testing examples to share but this one, for Book Aid International, is particularly interesting for charity fundraisers and marketers planning their new marketing strategies.

9 Tips for Re-energising Your Print Marketing Collateral

How to improve your Direct Marketing campaigns?

The War on Plastic - Going Green isn't Always Black & White!

Companies need to think carefully about how they use plastics and how to manage their end-of-life disposal. As a result we’ve witnessed the emergence of different plastics that try to minimise their environmental impact.

The War on Plastic - Going Green isn't Always Black & White!

Companies need to think carefully about how they use plastics and how to manage their end-of-life disposal. As a result we’ve witnessed the emergence of different plastics that try to minimise their environmental impact.

Legacy Potential Premier League Table 2018/19

Our Legacy Potential Premier League Table 2018/19 shows the top 20 charities with the highest number of supporters who say they are considering or already have pledged a legacy qualified for the league.

What do marketers need from the ICO's new direct marketing guidance?

This crucial document will update the ICO’s guidance in light of new data protection legislation

You Strategy Behind Direct Mail

There are 3 main elements you need to consider to build a successful direct mail campaign and we’ve listed them here...


Video marketing is an essential part of the digital marketing world and has been for the last several years.It is one of the most successful ways to capture your target audience’s attention, to excite and engage with them and leave a memorable impression.