Legacy Potential Premier League Table 2018/19
23 Nov 2018

At fastmap we have undertaken a lot of legacy fundraising research including: the barriers and motivations to legacy giving, baby boomers and the reasons why legacy givers don’t tell charities when they write into their wills.
This research with some of the largest UK and international charities, has created vast amounts of data that shines a light on the marketing performance of different charities. We are now sharing this league of the top performing charities in terms of the potential to generate legacy giving which we have created in collaboration with Freestyle Marketing – find out who the winner is and where your charity ranks.
Our Legacy Potential Premier League Table 2018/19 shows the top 20 charities with the highest number of supporters who say they are considering or already have pledged a legacy qualified for the league.
Just being good isn’t enough! Not if you’re losing to your closest competitors again and again.
Legacies are competitive and the performance of legacy marketing is notoriously hard to track without insights into your competitors. This means that the likelihood that your legacy income is being transferred to your competitors is high. To circumvent this, charities need to investigate what the strengths of your competitors are to understand why your supporters would leave a legacy to them, rather than you.
We regularly help charities with bespoke legacy marketing insights and would be happy to help with our legacy fundraising strategy in any way we can. To learn more about our Legacy Potential Premier League Table 2018/19 and other fundraising and marketing research we can help you with please don’t hesitate to get in touch with David Cole, Managing Director at fastmap on david.cole@fastmap.com or +44 020 72420702.
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