DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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JICMAIL: Discover the value of 'gold standard' audience and item data for advertising mail

JICMAIL (The Joint Industry Currency for Mail) is now delivering industry standard audience measurement data for advertising mail into the wider marketing services planning community. Have you got your JICMAIL data yet? Contact

4 Tips for Achieving Targeted Direct Mail Through Research

Direct mail has quickly grown in importance for marketers who have found the numbers of people they are allowed to contact through other channels significantly reduced since GDPR.

GDPR. The Moment For Mail.

GDPR. The Moment For Mail.

5 Ways To Track The Effectiveness Of Print Marketing

Some of the simple ways to measure the effectiveness of your print campaigns. They will prove that print should still play a significant role in your marketing activities and enable you calculate your return on investment.

Creative effectiveness in door drop - examples from 2018

The DMA Door Drop hub delves into Creativity in Print, showcasing some of the best Door Drops to grace our doormats in 2018.

GDPR - 10 things B2B Marketers need to know

Top 10 resources to explain, to those worried about GDPR, about the continuing opportunities for B2B direct marketing in the UK and the EU. Here are some of our favorites. What are yours?

Why Direct Mail is Delivering

What are the factors behind direct mail’s popularity and success today?

Royal Mail MarketReach: Understanding mail and the consumer mindset

Customers are the lifeblood of your business. Understanding the behaviours that drive them will help you find new ones, keep them coming back and grow their lifetime value. Join us for a webinar that delves deep into understanding the consumer mindset.

Benchmarking: The Power of Comparison

Benchmarking helps you to better evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your marketing by giving your results context, which is why we at fastmap believe in the power of benchmarking in all its forms.