DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Pathways to Creativity 2020

Join us as we delve into the world of creativity. Hear from a selection of creative hotshots as we ask how can we champion creativity and pioneering thinking throughout our industry – and beyond?

Coronavirus: New Consumer Trends - Will They Last?

So far so good. Brands who offered a good response to the pandemic have received trust from their customers. But what is going to happen now that everything is about to re-open?

Why We Must Use Creativity to Rebuild Trust

How can we use creativity to reset people's trust in UK businesses? Chair of the DMA Creative Committee, Debi Bester, and leading creatives discuss this new burning brief as we bring a new-look Campaign for Great British Creativity back front and centre

Coronavirus: May 2020 - The Impacts on Business

The third phase of the DMA’s survey into the impact of the Coronavirus reveals the key concerns around the impact on consumer confidence in data privacy and mixed feeling about the next phase the UK is entering.

Coronavirus: Final Days to Enroll Employees on Furlough Scheme

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme moves into a new phase on 1 July. Employers must register employees by 10 June to be able to claim earnings under the new phase.

Coronavirus: Guidelines for Apprenticeship Providers Updated (V5)

Version 5 of the guidelines were released by the Education Skills Funding Agency.

Introducing: Grace Blue Transition

Transition is a new, free-to-use, community-based platform that offers advice and inspiring content for talent in our industry furloughed or made redundant due to the pandemic, plus lets them connect to future potential employers. Learn more, including how you can help.