DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Coronavirus: Changes to Furlough Scheme Announced

On 29 May, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that employers would need to start paying National Insurance and Pension Contributions for employees from August 1.

Coronavirus: Furlough Cut-Off Date Expected to be Announced

This week, it is expected that the Chancellor will announce a cut-off date for the furlough scheme.

10 Tips for Call Centre Employees Returning to Work

DMA Council Member David Freedman operated an office-based call centre throughout the pandemic. Here are his ten tips on how employees going back to work can stay safe.

Why It's More Important Than Ever to Rethink Your Media Planning

From the Headline Sponsor of the DMA Awards, Datorama, this third in our series of thought-leadership pieces focuses on why it has never been more crucial to get a handle on your media. Learn the steps you can take to become more efficient and effective in the present, so you can be better...

Coronavirus: April 2020 - Business Impacts Barometer

The DMA’s second monthly barometer on our industry’s attitudes towards the coronavirus challenge uncovers how businesses continue to respond to the lockdown. Read on for a data-driven visualisation of the mood amongst the UK data and marketing industry in April.

Coronavirus: Guidelines for Apprenticeship Providers Updated

The fourth iteration of the Education and Skills Funding Agency's guidance updates advice in accordance with new developments.

DMA Talent's Big Book Crit - Naveen Kirby's Success Story

DMA Talent caught up with Naveen Kirby, who attended a Big Book Crit in Manchester last year, and got a job at McCann Manchester as a result.

Coronavirus: Spotlight on the DMA Community

Our spotlight on the DMA Community will be a place to find insight, guidance, comments, and reflections from around the DMA’s Councils and Committee Community, and wider DMA Membership.